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作者(英文):Chen, Yi-Shan
論文名稱(英文):A Study on Satisfaction and Re-participation Intention of the whole-body vibration training for the elderly with cardiovascular disease
指導教授(英文):Chen, Jin-Jong
口試委員(英文):Chou, Chen-Liang
Lee, Hsuei-Chen
外文關鍵詞:elderlycardiovascular diseasewhole-body vibration trainingsatisfactionre-participate
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本研究主要以合乎安全規範之全身振動訓練(whole body vibration training, WBVT)
臂前導研究,共計收案 39 位 65 歲以上心血管疾病的高齡者,採方便取樣進行單次全身
振動訓練,儀器設定為垂直振動、頻率 7~8Hz、震幅 2mm、g 值 0.2~0.26,訓練動作包
再參與意願量表及高齡者基本資料作為研究工具,使用 SPSS 24 版之統計套裝軟體進行
各項分析,包括描述性統計、項目分析、探索性因素分析、信度檢定、配對樣本 t 檢定、
二、心血管疾病高齡者體驗全身振動訓練之平均滿意度達 4.47±0.66 分 ; 而再參與意願
達 4.28±0.93 分,整體而言具有正向感受。
五、滿意度之三個構面對於再參加意願有 51.5%的解釋變異量,其中滿意度之「心理構
This study is mainly focused on the experience of whole body vibration training (WBVT)
in compliance with safety regulations given to the elderly with cardiovascular disease. In
addition, the study explores the correlation between satisfaction rate and re-participation rate
after experiencing WBVT. This study is a single-arm pilot study. A total of 39 elderly patients
over 65 years old with cardiovascular disease were collected with convenient sampling used for
a single WBVT. The parameters used in WBVT included vertical vibrations, 7~8 Hz frequency,
2mm amplitude, and g value of 0.2~0.26. The training movements included 4 static resistance
training exercises (standing position, micro squat position, toe standing and left and right
lunges). The blood pressure, heart rate, arterial oxygen saturation of pulse oximetry (SpO2),
rate-pressure product(RPP) and vascular endothelial function of subjects is measured before
and after intervention. The satisfaction scale, re-participation scale and basic information of the
elderly is used as research tools. The statistical software package of SPSS ver. 24 is used to
perform various analyses including descriptive statistics, item analysis, exploratory factor
analysis, reliability testing, paired sample t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis, Pearson correlation
analysis and multiple linear regression analysis, etc. The results of the study found that:
1. After whole-body vibration training, only the heart rate and SPO2 increased
significantly (p=0.012, p=0.008), and there was no abnormal cardiovascular changes or hypoxia
during the process. This result shows that WBVT is a safe and low-risk exercise.
2. The average satisfaction rate of the elderly people with cardiovascular disease who
experienced WBVT was 4.47±0.66 points, and the re-re-participation rate was 4.28±0.93 points.
Overall, they had positive feelings toward the activity.
3. The 3 dimensional-factors of satisfaction are all significantly related to the willingness
re-participation (p<0.01). Among them, the “psychological dimensional-factor” of satisfaction
has the highest correlation, indicating that the higher the psychological level of the subjects, the
higher the level of satisfaction rate and willingness to re-participate.
4. Subjects with different personal backgrounds will have different satisfaction rate and
re-participation rate.
5. The 3 dimensional-factors of satisfaction have a 51.5% explained variance for reparticipation, and the “psychological dimensional-factor” of satisfaction has a positive impact
on re-participation (p=0.001), indicating that the subjects’ psychological level of satisfaction
was a better predictor of re-participation.
According to the research results, whole-body vibration training is a relatively safe and
highly acceptable exercise, and it is a training worthy of promotion for the elderly with
cardiovascular disease. These findings support the need for further randomized controlled
studies to investigate the long-term effects of WBVT on the physical and mental effects of
cardiovascular elderly.
摘 要 I
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究問題 4
第四節 研究之重要性 5
第五節 重要名詞定義 6
第二章、文獻探討 7
第一節 心血管疾病流行現況 7
第二節 動脈硬化與心血管疾病 9
第三節 身體活動與心血管疾病 11
第四節 全身振動訓練對心血管的效果 13
第五節 全身振動對身體的危害 19
第六節 滿意度及相關研究 22
第七節 再參與意願相關研究 25
第八節 本章總結 27
第三章、研究方法 28
第一節 研究設計與架構 28
第二節 研究假設 31
第三節 研究對象 32
第四節 研究工具 33
第五節 資料收集過程 51
第六節 研究倫理 52
第七節 資料處理與統計分析 53
第四章、研究結果與討論 55
第一節 基本特性及臨床特質 55
第二節非血管硬化者與血管硬化者介入前後之身體評估差異 63
第三節 滿意度量表分析 65
第四節 不同背景變項滿意度之差異比較分析 67
第五節 再參與意願量表分析 76
第六節 不同背景變項再參與意願之差異比較分析 77
第七節 滿意度與再參與意願之相關分析 82
第八節 滿意度對再參與意願之多元線性回歸分析 83
第五章、研究討論 87
第一節 基本特型及臨床特質分析結果 87
第二節 身體評估差異分析 93
第三節 體驗全身振動訓練滿意度之探討 94
第四節 體驗全身振動訓練再參與意願之探討 97
第五節 體驗全身振動訓練後滿意度與再參與意願探討 99
第六節 特殊個案討論 101
第六章、結論與建議 102
第一節 研究結論 102
第二節 研究限制 105
第三節 研究建議 106
參考文獻 108

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