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作者(英文):Lin, I-Lin
論文名稱(英文):Comparison of Consistency Between Care Managers and Dentist in Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT)
指導教授(英文):Lee, Yue-Chune
外文關鍵詞:oral health assessment tool (OHAT)care managerdentistdisabled personlong-term care recipient
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目前長期照顧十年計畫2.0採用照顧管理評估量表(簡稱照管量表)評估失能者長照需要,但並未包括口腔健康狀況評估,因此在長照制度內,若能在照管量表外,建立一個簡易的口腔健康評估機制,對有問題的個案轉介牙醫師,將可大幅提升長照個案牙醫可近性。口腔健康評估量表(Oral Health Assessment Tool,簡稱OHAT)主要提供非牙醫專業人員評估使用,符合此目的。台灣先前的研究曾經探討在醫院、護理之家、精神科日間照護中心等地點使用OHAT的適用性,但未發現針對照顧管理專員(簡稱照專)進行之研究。因此,本研究之目的是對長照個案探究以非牙醫專業人員使用之OHAT評估量表在不同背景之照專與牙醫師評估結果之比較。由於時間與人力限制,藉由居家訪視評估驗證此模式之可行性有其困難度,故以機構住民為對象,檢視照專與牙醫師運用OHAT評估之結果,期望未來推廣到居家個案。
本研究之牙醫師與照專OHAT評估一致性分析結果如下。護理背景照專組ICC值為0.495(p < 0.001),社工背景照專組ICC值為0.429(p < 0.001)。就Kappa值而言,護理背景照專組評估項目:嘴唇 -0.019、舌頭0.182、牙齦和黏膜組織0.028、唾液0.286、殘存自然牙0.338、假牙1、口腔清潔0.188、牙痛0.677;社工背景照專組評估項目:嘴唇0.150、舌頭0.006、牙齦和黏膜組織0.179、唾液 -0.053、殘存自然牙0.206、假牙1、口腔清潔0.072、牙痛0.511。
Oral health is a key indicator of overall health, quality of life, and well-being. Many studies have shown that oral diseases are associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, pneumonia, and malnutrition. Long-term care (LTC) recipients, especially those with disability or dementia and therefore restrained at home, often suffer from limited access to medical services because of low mobility or lack of relevant support, and generally have poor oral health. Providing appropriate oral health assessment and screening can effectively monitor their oral health and give them immediate referrals to dentists to prevent the occurrence of other diseases.
The current 10-year Long-term Care Plan 2.0 adopts the care management assessment scale to assess the LTC needs of the disabled. However, the assessment of oral health is not included. Therefore, in the LTC system, if a simple oral health assessment mechanism can be established in addition to the care management assessment scale and the LTC recipients with oral health problems can be referred to dentists, the accessibility to dental services for LTC recipients will be greatly improved. The Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) is mainly for the use of non-dental professionals, which is in line with this purpose. Previous studies in Taiwan have explored the applicability of the OHAT used in hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatric daycare centers, etc. However, no study has been found about the applicability of the OHAT for the care managers in Taiwan. The purpose of this research is to investigate the comparison of the assessments using the OHAT by the care managers with different backgrounds and the dentist for LTC recipients. It is difficult to verify the feasibility of this model based on the home visit assessment because of the limitations of time and manpower. Therefore, this study aims to examine the results of the assessments using the OHAT by the care managers and the dentist for the residents in the institution. It is expected that the proposed method can be extended to the assessments for the LTC recipients of home services in the future.
This study is designed as a cross-sectional study with purposive sampling. The 50 residents in the residential LTC institution in Eastern Taiwan were recruited as the study samples. A senior dentist's assessment using the OHAT was made as the gold standard, compared to the care managers’ assessments. The 20 care managers at the LTC Management Center in Hualien County, including 10 care managers with nursing background (CM-NB) and 10 care managers with social work background (CM-SB), used the OHAT to assess the oral health of the residents in the institution. The care managers assessed them after receiving an introduction to the OHAT. The SPSS statistical software was utilized for data analysis. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the Cohen’s Kappa statistic were analyzed to evaluate the consistency of the assessments using the OHAT by the dentist and the care managers. Compared with the dentist’s results, the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the assessments were measured.
The consistency results of the assessments using the OHAT by the dentist and the care managers are as follows. The ICC for CM-NB is 0.495 (p < 0.001) and the result for CM-SB is 0.429 (p < 0.001). The Kappa statistics of the assessment categories for CM-NB are -0.019 for lips, 0.182 for tongue, 0.028 for gums and tissues, 0.286 for saliva, 0.338 for natural teeth, 1 for dentures, 0.188 for oral cleanliness, and 0.677 for dental pain; the results for CM-SB are 0.150 for lips, 0.006 for tongue, 0.179 for gums and tissues, -0.053 for saliva, 0.206 for natural teeth, 1 for dentures, 0.072 for oral cleanliness, and 0.511 for dental pain.
The accuracy rates of referral to dentist according to the unguided judgment for CM-NB and CM-SB are 56% and 78%, respectively. If the criterion for referral is specified based on the scores of the categories in the OHAT (the score of any category in the OHAT is 2 (unhealthy) or the score of natural teeth, dentures, or dental pain is 1 (changes)), the accuracy for CM-NB is greatly improved to 72%, while it slightly decreases to 70% for CM-SB. In terms of sensitivity, if the OHAT referral criterion mentioned above is followed, it increases from 69% to 81% for CM-NB, and it greatly increases from 65% to 88% for CM-SB. It is observed that the sensitivity is significantly improved.
Overall, this study finds that it is feasible for care managers to perform the assessments using the OHAT. In addition, the assessment using the OHAT by the care manager takes only 2 minutes on average. This mechanism provides a wider oral examination range, less time in assessment, and fair consistency. Especially, with a specified referral criterion, good sensitivity is achieved for referral by care managers, which can be applied to the assessments for LTC recipients to improve the referral and usage of dental services for the disabled. Therefore, with enhanced assessment consistency and accuracy brought by further OHAT training for care managers, it is suggested that the OHAT can be included in the oral health assessments for LTC recipients and care managers can give needed referrals for future health policy. With the implementation of the mechanism, proper dental services are expected to be more accessible and utilized by LTC recipients to improve their health and overall well-being.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緣起 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究問題 3
第四節 研究之重要性 3
第五節 重要名詞定義 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 長照個案之需求與醫師在長照制度之任務 5
第二節 口腔健康狀況之探討 8
第三節 長照機構住民口腔健康相關研究 14
第四節 口腔健康評估量表(Oral Health Assessment Tool) 15
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 研究設計 23
第二節 研究架構 23
第三節 研究假說 23
第四節 研究對象 24
第五節 研究變項與測量 24
第六節 資料處理與分析方法 27
第四章 研究結果 29
第一節 照顧管理專員與住民之基本資料分析 29
第二節 口腔健康評估量表評估結果 32
第三節 不同組別人員評估結果 34
第四節 不同背景照顧管理專員之轉介牙醫師評估結果 36
第五節 不同障礙類別與生活自理能力的住民之評估結果 38
第五章 討論 40
第一節 研究方法之探討 40
第二節 口腔健康評估量表評估結果分析 42
第三節 不同組別人員評估結果分析 44
第四節 不同背景照顧管理專員之轉介牙醫師評估結果分析 46
第五節 不同障礙類別的住民之評估結果分析 46
第六節 研究限制 47
第六章 結論與建議 48
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