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作者(英文):Wang, Chiu-Jung
論文名稱(英文):An Action Research on the Implementation of Home Telecare Model During the COVID-19 Level Three Epi-demic Alert in 2021- An Example of Shimmering (Wei-Guang) Telecare Program in New Taipei City
指導教授(英文):Lee, Yue-Chune
口試委員(英文):Wu, Shiao-Chi
Chen, Ya-Mei
外文關鍵詞:COVID-19telecareShimmering (Wei-Guang) Telecare Programaction researchpolicy support
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3.財務面:(1)政府應結合健保與長照2.0之給付,提供足以支撐居家遠距照護模式的補助。(2)民間可整合公私資源,在政府的補助外,發展自費居家遠距照護服務方案,讓市場能靈活提供家庭需要的居家整合照護。(3)試辦居家遠距照護之包裹式支付(Bundled payment),以簡化行政流程,藉單一窗口提升團隊效率。
On May 15, 2021, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that the epidemic alert was raised to level 3 in both Taipei and New Taipei city. In re-sponse to the expanding trend of COVID-19 outbreak in the community, New Taipei City has developed the Shimmering (Wei-Guang) Telecare Program (STP) to pro-vide home telecare for people with urgent medical and long-term care needs for post-discharge care, home isolation, independent health management, and home ser-vice cases that have been discontinued due to the epidemic.

In this study, the researcher participated in the planning, promotion, and home care of the STP, with collected data through multiple methods, including participant ob-servation, interviews, analysis of case outcome records, and documentary analysis such as video recordings and diaries also do in-depth interviews, studies, and discus-sions with different participants (3 program planners, 5 service providers, and 3 primary caregivers) in the STP. The purpose of this study was to examine the diffi-culties encountered in the planning and actual service delivery process of the home care model during the epidemic, the subjective feelings, and the supporting measures needed for future promotion, and to serve as a reference for the future construction of a better community-based continuous home care service model.

Data from June 28 to October 31, 2021.The 29 STP care recipients was collected with the following findings:
1. Through action research on our innovative home telecare models, it has become an important foundation for telecare in Taiwan in 2022.
2. Focus on the promotion of the program, the stakeholder encountered the following difficulties and feelings: (1) Planners: This plan made slow progress due to the lack of response from the public sector at the beginning of the project. Through intensive meetings and enhancing communication, the problems can be improved. After start-ing the program, we found that the governments tend to be conservative due to the limit of policy. Governments or providers need to maintain a responsible attitude in promoting innovative service models. (2) Service providers: They encountered the plight, for example, the process of receiving cases, which is different from long-term care 2.0, insufficient policy advocacy, insufficient capacity of service, the process that service providers are diagnosed as COVID-19 is not clear, the barrier of using the video call, promoting telecare is not easy because people are afraid of vio-lating the rules of telemedicine, the lack of a home doctor who can integrate the telemedicine team. (3) Cases and primary caregivers: They concerned of discrimina-tion because receiving homecare services will reveal the identity of being diagnosed as COVID-19. Other dilemmas include difficulties of learning telecare technology products, machine problems such as malfunction, and unstable communication, and few cases have difficulties improving the disease or repeat hospitalization.
3. The results of the analysis of 29 cases indicate: (1) The reason for closing the case is that the patients are mainly taken care at home, and the percentage of those who have resumed independent living is 86.2%. (2) For the cases with the tubes, the per-centage of removing tubes is 66.7%. (3) Through the advantages and disadvantages of the use of remote technology, the immediacy and efficiency of nursing with rec-ognized and satisfied. It is important to understand the characteristics and needs of cases to improve the caregiver’s caring skills. (4) The provided mental support helps rehabilitation. (5) It is able to understand the medical and living needs immediately through the medical team's communication. (6) Substantial improvement in cases’ conditions.
4. The learning process of action research for individual professional development:
The focus of action research is not to end with problem-solving, but to return to the problem itself. Complete action research by taking action on the problem in the cur-rent situation, participating, planning, and implementing the plan.

For promoting the STP in the future, here are the following suggestions:
This model has had initial success, and it is worth promoting. Nevertheless, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and supporting measures should be established to build a better community-based continuous home care service model.
The government should review the laws and regulations on video diagnosis and treatments to integrate home healthcare and long-term care to help the promotion of home telecare system.
(1) The government should provide adequate subsidy for telecare model by combin-ing benefits of health insurance and long-term care 2.0. (2) In addition to the subsidy, the private sector can integrate public and private resources to develop a self-funded home telecare scheme so that the resources can be flexibly applied to those who need home integrated care. (3) Conduct telecare bundled payment to simplify ad-ministrative processes to enhance team efficiency
(1) Develop home telecare programs for professionals. (2) Promote telemedicine care to make the public understand and willing to use it.
5.Medical Information Technology:
(1) Develop a "person-centered" and convenient video system for telecare in order to assist the promotion of a new caring pattern (2) Establish a platform for home tel-ecare to link and promote medical monitoring technology to facilitate the applica-tion of information and communication technology.
(1) Establish the classification services of home telecare: According to the case’s needs for medical and long-term care services and provide precise services, such as home, community, or residential long-term care facilities (2) By focusing on the needs of the case, the home nursing team can play a multi-disciplinary role for inte-gration, and provide a one-stop service combined with continuous and immediate service pattern.
摘 要 i
Abstract iii
目 錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 名詞釋義 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 疫情下臺灣的相關防疫策略 6
第二節 居家遠距照護及遠距醫療 15
第三節 行動研究的相關理論 18
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 研究設計 21
第二節 研究對象與樣本 24
第三節 研究工具 26
第四節 資料收集 31
第五節 資料處理與分析 32
第六節 研究倫理 35
第四章 研究結果 36
第一節 三級疫情間湧現之照護問題 36
第二節 研擬居家遠距照護模式之行動策略 40
第三節 擴大推廣徵求合作夥伴 52
第四節 正式推動行動計畫 53
第五節 居家遠距照護行動研究評估與回饋 57
第五章 討論 72
第一節 建立COVID-19三級警戒期間之居家遠距照護模式 72
第二節 行動方案遭遇之困境與感受 75
第三節 微光守護專案服務成效之討論 78
第四節 行動研究的學習歷程對個人的專業發展 79
第五節 研究限制 81
第六章 結論與建議 82
第一節 結論 82
第二節 建議 84
第七章 參考文獻 86
附錄一:同意人體研究證明書 89
附錄二:參與者同意書 90
附錄三:微光守護計畫書 93
附錄四:工作分配與內容 105
附錄五:收案與結案流程 106
附錄六:居家醫療視訊收案與送藥流程 107
附錄七:防疫車隊派案流程 108
附錄八:遠距科技系統操作流程 109
附錄九:防護裝備評估與指引 110
附錄十:研究者全家確診經驗 111
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