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作者(外文):Yuherina Gusman
論文名稱(外文):The Spiritual Life on Indonesia Migrant Workers in Taiwan (2009-2011)
指導教授(外文):Ding Naifei
外文關鍵詞:migrant workersgovernmentpoliciesspiritual lifemuslimsurface reading
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本篇論文的研究焦點著重於2009年到2011年來台灣的印尼外籍勞工,他們精神與心靈生活的探討。研究者在本篇論文當中的分析方法研究對象為從事文化和政治的運動的外籍勞工,尤其是具有穆斯林信仰的印尼勞工。這項研究主要的研究資源來自台灣的電影、印尼外籍勞工的文學,以及研究者參與在台灣的FORMMIT (Indonesia Muslim Student Forum in Taiwan) 和在印尼的UNIMIG(Union Migrant) 的專案計畫時與一些印尼外籍勞工的接觸和參與過程中的經驗。透過“surface reading methodology”,將探討、描述在台灣的印尼外籍勞工他們的精神生活以及顯示文化和信仰的衝突如何影響印尼穆斯林外籍勞工的精神生活。
This thesis will focus on the spiritual life of Indonesia migrant workers in Taiwan from 2009-2011. My approach to analyses in this thesis will be based on a review of cultural and politic movement of migrant workers in Taiwan, particularly Indonesia Muslim migrant workers. The primary resources are Taiwanese movies and Indonesian migrant workers literature also several programs engaged with Indonesia migrant workers during my work at Forum Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia di Taiwan/Indonesian Muslim Student Forum in Taiwan (FORMMIT) and as program manager in Union Migrant (UNIMIG) Indonesia. By using the surface reading methodology, this thesis will describe the spiritual life of Indonesia migrant workers in Taiwan and shows how the conflict of cultures and beliefs affect the spiritual life of Indonesia Muslim migrant workers.
Abstract i
Chinese Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Introduction 1
Chapter One : Global Migration : The Experience of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Taiwan20
Chapter Two : The Quest for Safe Migration In Indonesia and Taiwan Policies 38
Chapter Three : The Spiritual Life of Indonesia Migrant Workers in Taiwan 57
Conclusion and Recommendation 83
Bibliography 85
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