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作者(外文):Sung-Lin FanChiang
論文名稱(外文):The Production of Homeless by Choice in Taiwan: Inoperative Community
指導教授(外文):Josephine Ho
外文關鍵詞:sociationsovereigntydifferenceassistancepovertyinoperative communityhomeless by choiceproduction of spaceemotionbodybondmodernity
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The controversy of homelessness by choice centers upon the question of the
political. Debates on this issue are divided as individual problem view and
socio-economic problem view, both problematize the excluded status of the homeless.
Be it “homeless rights view” in Taiwan or “government responsibility view” in the US,
the remedies that dominant homeless studies come up with incline to include the
homeless into the collective. Nevertheless, homelessness by choice in Taiwan is a
reversal of social inclusion, a reversal initiated by an interrogation of the sociological
bond. In contrast with the sociological bond, which at once harbors complicated
relations and prioritizes the immanent collective, the ethical bond valuates simple
relations and differences. The ethical bond and its spatial counterpart, the floating
land bond, on the other hand, bring tension to the space of the State as the latter is
composed of the sociological bond and the fixed land bond. The ethical bond and
the floating land bond of homeless by choice, in terms of Henri Lefebvre and
Jean-Luc Nancy, is an effort to produce inoperative community that will lead to the
end of the State. The ethical bond of homeless by choice in Taiwan challenges the
dominant idea that the political is the power relation between the collectives.
Abstract [i]
中文摘要(Chinese Abstract) [ii]
Acknowledgements [iii]
Chapter One: Introduction [1]
I. Problematic [1]
II. Methodology and Ethics of Research [4]
Chapter Two: “Homeless by Choice” and its Theoretical Ramifications [8]
I. Homelessness in the US: An Economic Problem [8]
II. Homelessness in Han Chinese Culture and Taiwan: A Problem of
Public Order [12]
III. The Political Turn: “Homeless Rights” in Taiwan [16]
Chapter Three: The Ethical Significance of Homelessness by Choice in Taiwan [24]
I. Family and Work: The Sociological Bond [24]
II. Homeless Life: The Ethical Bond [33]
III. Shelter and Housing: The Fixed Land Bond [44]
Chapter Four: The Political Significance of Homelessness by Choice in Taiwan [53]
I. The Production of Space [53]
II. The Inoperative Community [62]
Chapter Five: Conclusion [68]
I. The Production of Homeless by Choice in Taiwan: Inoperative
Community [68]
II. Space of Difference is Political [73]
Works Cited [75]
Appendix [82]
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