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作者(外文):Yu-chien Lin
論文名稱(外文):“Gathering Paradise”:Emily Dickinson''s Pursuit of Heaven
指導教授(外文):Amie Elizabeth Parry
外文關鍵詞:Emily DickinsonparadiseheavenBuddhismmindindividualityartistic creationnirvana
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The goal of my thesis is to investigate the significance of the topic, heaven, in Emily Dickinson’s poems. In the first chapter, to begin with, we will have a literature review to see scholars’ concept of Dickinson’s heaven. Then, we will give a definition of Dickinson’s heaven and scrutinize the three stages of the development of her heaven with the help of some basic Buddhist concepts and the correlation between Dickinson and Xiao Long Nü, a female character in the martial arts novel Shen Diao Xia Lü by Jin Yong. In the following chapters, we will concentrate on different aspects of the second stage of Dickinson’s heaven. In the second chapter, we will focus on mind. In the third chapter, we will pay attention to individuality. In the fourth chapter, we will deal with artistic creation. The last chapter is the conclusion.
Table of Contents
Chinese Abstractii
Chapter One: Introduction1
Literature Review2
The Definition of the Dickinsonian Heaven3
The Goal of the Thesis4
Three Stages of the Dickinsonian Heaven5
Chapter Overview14
Chapter Two: Mind19
Philosophy of Religion19
Philosophy of Life25
Chapter Three: Individuality31
Religious Criticism31
Social Environment40
Gendered Relationships46
Chapter Four: Artistic Creation51
The Essence of Artistic Creation51
The Process of Artistic Creation60
The Definition of a Poet65
Chapter Five: Conclusion70
Works Cited72
English Texts:
Anderson, Charles. ”The Conscious Self in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry.” American Literature, Vol. 31, No. 3. (Nov., 1959), pp. 290-308.
Armand, Barton Levi St.. “Paradise Deferred: The Image of Heaven in the Work of Emily Dickinson and Elizabeth Stuart Phelps.” American Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 1. (Spring, 1977), pp. 55-78.
Besty, Erkkila. In A Historical Guide to Emily Dickinson. Ed, Pollak, Vivian R.. USA: Oxford University Press, 2004. p164.
B. Sewall, Richard. The Life of Emily Dickinson. USA: Harvard University Press, 2000. pp.564-565.
Blake, William. In “An Introduction to Poetry.” Ed, Kennedy, X.J. & Gioia, Dana. USA: Longman, 2005. pp.124.
Burbick, Joan. “One Unbroken Company: Religion and Emily Dickinson.” The New England Quarterly, Vol. 53, No. 1.(Mar., 1980), pp. 62-75.
Eberwein, Jane Donahue. “Where—Omnipresence—fly? Calvinism as Impetus to Spiritual Amplitude.” The Emily Dickinson Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2. (Fall 2005), pp. 12-23.
Farr, Judith & Carter, Louise. The Gardens of Emily Dickinson. USA: Harvard University Press, 2004. pp. p180-181.
Franklin, R. W.,ed. The Master Letters of Emily Dickinson. USA: Amherst College Press, 2002.
Franklin, R. W.,ed. The Poems of Emily Dickinson. USA: Harvard University Press, 2005.
Giplin, W. Clark. “The Theology of Solitude: Edwards, Emerson, Dickinson.” Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality, Vol. 1, No. 1. (Spring, 2001), pp. 31-42.
Griffin Wolff, Cynthia. Emily Dickinson. USA: Perseus Books, 1988. p336.
Harde, Roxanne. “Some—are like My Own—: Emily Dickinson’s Christology of Embodiment.” Christianity and Literature, Vol. 53, No. 3. (Spring, 2004).
Johnson, Thomas, ed. Emily Dickinson—The Complete Poems. England: Faber and Faber Limited, 1975.
Johnson, Thomas, ed. The Letters of Emily Dickinson. USA: Belknap Press, 1986.
Laudin, Roger. “Emily Dickinson and the Art of Belief.” Library of Religious Biography. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1998.
Louis, M. K.. “Emily Dickinson’s Sacrament of Starvation.” Nineteenth-Century Literature, Vol. 43, No. 3. (Dec., 1988), pp. 346-360.
Kirk, Connie Ann. Emily Dickinson: A Biography. USA: Greenwood Press, 2004. pp.
Messmer, Marietta. A Vice for Voices: reading Emily Dickinson’s Correspondence. USA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2001. p186.
Mitchell, Domhnall. Emily Dickinson: Monarch of Perception. USA: The University of Massachusetts Press, 2000. p234.
Mitchell, Domhnall. In The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson. Ed, Martin, Wendy. UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Molson, Francis. “Emily Dickinson’s Rejection of the Heavenly Father.” The New England Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 3. (Sep., 1974), pp.404-426.
Monterio, George. “Love & Fame or What’s a Heaven for?: Emily Dickinson’s Teleology. “The New England Quarterly, Vol. 51. 1. (Mar., 1978), pp. 105-113.
Pollak, Vivian. “Thirst and Starvation in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry.” American Literature, Vol. 51, No. 1. (Mar., 1979), pp. 33-49.
Walker, Nancy. “Emily Dickinson and the Self: Humor as Identity.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, Vol. 2, No. 1. (Spring, 1983), pp. 57-68.
Chinese Texts:
陳元音Chen Yuan Yin,《禪與美國文學Zen and American Literature》(台北:
劉貴傑Liu Gui Jie,《佛學與人生Buddhism and Life》(台北:五南圖書,1999)。
金庸Jin Yong,《神鵰俠侶Shen Diao Xia Lü》(台北:遠流,1996年),頁170, 195, 1398。
聖嚴法師Sheng Yan Fa Shi,《佛教的修行方法Ways to Practice Buddhist Rules》(台北:財團法人法鼓山佛教基金會,2002年) 。
張松輝Zhang Song Hui注譯,《新譯妙法蓮華經Newly Translated Miao Fa Lian Hua Jing》(台北:三民,2007年),頁314-318。
張松輝Zhang Song Hui注譯,《新譯莊子讀本Newly Translated Zhuangzi Reader》(台北:三民,2007年),頁10。
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