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作者(外文):Shih-I Chin
論文名稱(外文):Between Pleasure and Reality:Fantasy/Phantasy in Bruce Lee''s Kung Fu Movies
外文關鍵詞:Bruce Leeidealizationgazeidentificationfantasy (phantasy)Jeet Kune Doegoimage
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首先在第一章中,我將會援引心理分析法國學派--尚‧拉普朗虛(Jean Laplanche)以及尚-柏騰‧彭大歷斯(J.B. Pontalis)為代表--以及英倫學派--蘇珊‧艾薩克斯(Susan Isaacs)以及漢娜‧西格爾(Hanna Segal)--對於幻想此一概念的理論發展,以幫助理解「功夫」何以作為一種幻想的表現。因此我在本章當中的主要論點為,在電影幻想之下存在著另一種形式的幻想,也就是李小龍所創造出來的功夫幻想。
在第二章中,我將接著介紹李小龍個人對於他的創作,也就是截拳道,所提出來的哲學性注釋,或者可以說是截拳道教義。透過他對於截拳道的詮釋,我們能更進一步窺視功夫幻想的可能內涵為何。經由觀察發現,隱藏在功夫幻想中的內容是與自我(創作者的自我以及觀眾的自我)形成的過程緊密相關。因此,卡佳‧絲爾薇曼(Kaja Silverman)在The Threshold of the Visible World 一書當中所提出的視覺理論,可以幫助我們釐清此處關於身體內在固有感受以及凝視作用如何交織影響自我的形成。我在本章的論點是:當李小龍沉浸在截拳道的幻想時,他感受到一種超越文化印記的自我。然而,這種截拳道所帶來的內在固有感受所形成的自我卻仍受限於觀眾的凝視。觀眾的凝視成就了李小龍的另一種自我--一種扭曲重寫文化刻版印象的自我。截拳道以及觀眾的凝視透露出兩種不同的幻想願望。
This thesis aims to deal with Bruce Lee’s kung fu movies with regard to the fantasy/phantasy expressed in it. In this thesis, the conventionally emphasized movie scenarios will be less discussed, instead, attention will be paid to the essential element of this type of movie, that is, Bruce Lee’s kung fu, Jeet Kune Do. I would examine how Bruce Lee’s kung fu movies, his performing art (JKD), and his cinematic image are connected to the psychoanalytic concept of fantasy/phantasy.
In the first chapter, I would start by drawing on the theoretic concept of fantasy/phantasy elaborated by two antithetic schools, one represented by Jean Laplanche and J.B. Pontalis, and the other by Susan Isaacs and Hanna Segal. I will demonstrate what each sect’s theoretical contention has to contribute to our understanding of kung fu as a type of fantasy/phantasy. My argument in this part is that kung fu, the performing art acted out by Bruce Lee, stands for another embedded fantasy/phantasy within the cinematic fantasy/phantasy.
In the second chapter, I will go on to introduce Bruce Lee’s personal philosophical annotation on his artistic creation, JKD. His annotation or we could call it doctrine provides enlightening perspective for us to better understand the content of fantasy/phantasy revealed through these bodily movements. It turns out that its hidden content is closely related to the formation of the ego, the ego of the artist (Bruce Lee) and the ego of the spectators. Therefore the theory of the vision developed in Kaja Silverman’s The Threshold of the Visible World would be very helpful for our purpose of clarifying how proprioception and the mechanism of gaze are interwoven. My argument here is that in creating and performing JKD movements, that is, when immersed in his JKD fantasy/phantasy, Bruce Lee (as he claimed) has attained/ felt a triumphal proprioceptive ego which is free from culture markings. However, I would also say that this triumphal proprioceptive ego remains constrained under the spectator’s gaze which is the ultimately factor that determines the contour of his image. The gaze pins him up as another ideal image which is not free from cultural markings but distorts stereotypical cultural markings. Both JKD the performing art and spectatorial gaze indicate two different fantastic/phantastic wishes.
In the third chapter, I would continue with the issue of ego formation and try to connect the relationship among idealization, identification and fantasy/phantasy that is experienced by Lee’s audience. Again, Kaja Silverman’s The Threshold of the Visible World will be the main theoretical source I resort to. My argument on this part is that Lee’s audience identify both heteropathicly and idiopathicly: heteropath because succumbed to the bodily ideality of Lee, idiopathic because the accessibility to learning JKD. Therefore I would say that JKD is more than an expression of fantasy/phantasy but also an effort to attain that fantasy/phantasy. It is, as Hanna Segal has expounded, an artistic work that connects to the objective reality. However, such an effort remains futile for it still restrains the one who identifies through it (idiopathic identification) distant from the world of symbolic. At the end of this chapter, therefore, I would present Stephen Chow’s comedies whose funny language (jokes) replaces JKD for audience to cling to and thereby get closer to the world of objects.
List of Figures....................................viii
Chapter One: Fantasy and Phantasy..................12
Chapter Two: The Tao and Image of Bruce Lee........37
Chapter Three: Adaptation..........................55
Conclusion: It’s always in Between................79
Works Cited........................................82
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◎Bruce Lee’s Movies
Big Boss. 《唐山大兄》 Dir. Lo Wei, 1971. aka, Fist of Fury.
Fist of Fury. 《精武門》 Dir. Lo Wei, 1972. aka, The Chinese Connection.
Way of the Dragon. 《猛龍過江》 Dir. Bruce Lee, 1972. aka, Return of the
Enter the Dragon. 《龍爭虎鬥》 Dir. Robert Clause, 1973. aka
Game of Death. 《死亡遊戲》Dir. Robert Clouse, 1974.
◎Stephen Chow’s Movies
Fist of Fury 1991 Ⅱ. 《摩登武聖》. Dir. Chung-Sing Choh and Corey Yuen,
Flirting Scholar. 《唐伯虎點秋香》. Dir. Lee Lik-Chi, 1993.
Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella. 《齊天大聖西遊記》. Dir. Liu
Zhenwei, 1995.
The Cookery God. 《食神》. Dir. Stephen Chow, 1996.
Shaolin Soccer. 《少林足球》. Dir. Stephen Chow, 2001.
Kung Fu Mahjon. Dir. Jing Wong, 2005.
Kill Bill Ⅰ. Dir. Quentin Tarantino, 2002.
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