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作者(外文):Bin-Yen Lee
論文名稱(外文):“Waving Genitals and Manuscripts”: Whitman, Ginsberg and the Homoerotic
指導教授(外文):Professor David Barton
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文學批評家與學者很少解釋惠特曼(Whitman)與金斯堡(Ginsberg)曾被認為瘋了‚才會寫出像「蘆笛集」(“Calamus”)與「怒吼」(Howl and Other Poems)如此下流、猥褻,甚至傷風敗俗作品的原因。筆者試圖分析惠特曼與金斯堡、「蘆笛集」與「怒吼」兩者的相似與不同之處,探討這兩個詩人以同志情慾(Homoeroticism)為主題的作品會引發的反面,甚至是嚴厲的社會、文學批評,進一步研究這些反對聲浪中毫無相關的同志情慾、瘋癲(Madness)與猥褻(Obscenity)三者之間是如何產生連結。第一章將採用傅柯(Foucault)在「性意識史第一冊」(The History of Sexuality: Volume 1, an Introduction)中對性意識發展歷史的見解,討論惠特曼與金斯堡所處的不同時空背景。雖然所處環境不同,兩人還是寫了同樣是關於同志情慾的作品。第二章將處理「蘆笛集」與「怒吼」中二個不同男性說話者如何同樣大膽地對其他男性示愛,但是這兩個作品卻有不同之處。第三章將研究二人描寫同志情慾之後的結果。社會大眾、部分文學界同樣認為這二位詩人是瘋了,而他們的作品是下流不堪。此章將藉由傅柯「瘋癲與文明」(Madness and Civilization)的論點,探討反對意見中瘋癲和猥褻的關係與作用,而惠特曼與金斯堡又是如何替自己與作品辯護。第四章將再度運用傅柯的「性意識史第一冊」,分析二位詩人與作品被邊緣化、為何遭受如此責難的原因。因此,筆者文章將指出惠特曼與金斯堡如何描寫不同風格的同志情慾,反對與贊成者如何看待二人與其作品,同性戀為何與猥褻、瘋癲有關係,反對男男情色文學的批評聲浪對其作品造成何種影響,而他們在面對社會責難與文學批評時又採取何種反擊策略。
Why Whitman and Ginsberg have been regarded to be insane, and why “Calamus” and Howl and Other Poems have been considered to be obscene and offensive have never been fully discussed. In this thesis, I will analyze the differences and similarities between the two poets and their works, bring forward the causes of harsh criticisms and consequences of writing homoerotic poems, and point out the relationship between homoeroticism, madness and obscenity. In the first chapter, “Introduction,” I will begin with the different historical backgrounds of Whitman and Ginsberg by using Foucault’s observation on the development of sexuality. Although the time and space is so different, the two poets share the same theme of male-male relationship in their works. In Chapter 2 “The Love, the Touch and the Pleasure: Implicit “Calamus” and Explicit Howl and Other Poems,” the male speakers’ bold expression of their desire for other men will be revealed; yet there is a distinction between the two works. The next chapter—Chapter 3 Insanity, Obscenity and Productivity: “Calamus” for Work and Howl and Other Poems for Pleasure—will talk about another similarity between the two poets—the consequences of writing homosexuality. I will discuss the function of the notoriety and the infamy appeared in the negative or hostile critiques by using Foucault’s theory in his Madness and Civilization, revealing the interrelationship of insanity and obscenity. Whitman and Ginsberg’s responses to the opposition criticisms will be demonstrated in this chapter as well. In the last chapter, “Conclusion,” I will again use Foucault’s Volume 1 of The History of Sexuality to show why homoeroticism in their poems is marginalized and why it receives such treatment. Together these four chapters will demonstrate how Whitman and Ginsberg display homoeroticism differently, how they are examined and treated by distinct sides, how homosexuality is attached to obscenity and insanity, what kind of effects the condemnation of male-male eroticism has on their works, and how the two poets respond to such situation.
Chapter One Introduction-----------------------------------------------------1
Chapter Two The Love, the Touch and the Pleasure: Implicit “Calamus” and Explicit Howl and Other Poems------------------------------------------------15
Chapter Three Insanity, Obscenity and Productivity: “Calamus” for Work and Howl and Other Poems for Pleasure--------------------------------------------29
Chapter Four Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------54
Works Cited------------------------------------------------------------------61
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