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作者(外文):Yu-Te Shen
論文名稱(外文):Subject Speaking or Speaking Subjugation: A Foucauldian Analysis of Sex and the City
指導教授(外文):Nai-Fei Ding
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本篇論文針對HBO自製影集「慾望城市」做一深入之文本分析,旨在重新檢視在去傳統化(de-traditionalized)的社會現象中,這部影集對於觀眾╱個人的影響;同時重新分析臺灣學界如何認識、創造、並援引「權力論述」。本論文的分析參照一般平面媒體如報紙、雜誌,以及網路媒體如電子報以及討論區所流通的評論,企圖與這些評論(criticisms)做對話,並開闢一條不同於主流權力論述價值觀的路數,藉由重新閱讀影集「慾望城市」,釐清主流權力論述的矛盾與理論∕實際驗證上的瑕疵。傅柯(Michel Foucaul)對於權力的分析將會是本論文理論架構的重點之一。同時,貝克(Ulrich Beck)對於風險社會的剖析,提供了轉型中的臺灣社會對於傳統價值觀的另類思考。論文最後一章透過巴肯(Borge Bakken)對於模範性(exemplarity)的分析,鋪陳臺灣權力論述與教育之間的關連性,同時提出教育如何進入權力系統操控變動社會中「以不變應萬變」的準則,利用這樣的權宜關係重新設立起標準與常規。
This thesis aims to re-examine the acceptation of discourses on and around “power structure” in Taiwan by applying a textual analysis of Sex and the City, the HBO original series which has raised debates on subjectivity, consumption, and power control among the public media and academic arena in Taiwan since its debut in 1999. The analyses of power relations and the interpretations of the lives presented in SATC will be different from most of the criticisms circulated in newspaper columns, internet discussion board, or news group, which more often than not take the TV series as deception to its potential audiences, masking the male dominant power control by creating the needs of false and conspicuous consumption. Michel Foucault’s counter hypothesis theory will be re-appropriated to examine the way discourses on “power” is accepted, and Ulrich Beck’s “risk” theory in a modern society will be drawn to account for the unprecedented phenomena in a de-traditionalized society which may be re-inforced by the appearance of such a TV series as SATC. In the end, Borge Bakken’s theory on “exemplarity” will help conclude possible reasons and results of appropriations of power discourses and the consequences of how such appropriations may change our society when combined with education.
Chapter One : Introduction1
Chapter Two : De-sublimation13
Ⅰ. Power Discourses in Taiwan13
Ⅱ. Misconceptions About Sex and the City17
Ⅲ. Repressive Hypothesis of Elite Intellectuals20
Ⅳ. SATC: Subjugation and the City?23
Ⅴ. A Question of Speaking28
Ⅵ. Unprecedented Strategy34
Ⅶ. Representation or Re-presentation?35
Chapter Three : Sex and the City39
I. Synopsis39
II. Justification39
III. Institutional Dis-embedding to Emotional Re-embedding46
IV. Restriction/Freedom?51
V. The Transformation of Romantic Love in SATC58
V. Is Subjugation Everything?66
Chapter Four : Toward An Exemplary Society70
I. Retro70
II. Deception or Education?77
Works Cited81
English Resources:
Bakken, Borge. The Exemplary Society. New York: Oxford University P, 2000
Beck, Ulrich. Risk society: Toward a New Modernity. London: Sage, 1986, 1992.
---. Ecological Enlightenment: Essays on the Politics of the Risk Society. Trans. By Mark A. Ritter. New Jersey: Humanities P, 1991.
Beck, Ulrich and Elizabeth Beck-Gernsheim. The Normal Chaos of Love. Cambridge: Polity, 1994.
Bushnell, Candace. Sex and the City. London: Abacus, 1997.
Evans, T. David. Sexual Citizenship: The Material Construction of Sexualities. London: Routeldge, 1993.
Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Trans. By Alan Sheridan. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.
---. The Archeology of Knowledge. London: Tavistock, 1972
---. The History of Sexuality. Volume 1: An Introduction. Trans. By Random House, Inc. New York: Vintage Books, 1990.
Gandel, K. “Michel Foucault: intellectual work and politics.” Telos. New York 1986
Giddens, Anthony. The Consequences of Modernity. Stanford: Stanford University P, 1990.
Shields, Rob. Ed. Lifestyle Shopping: The Subject of Consumption. London: Routledge, 1992.
Spivak, Gayatri. A Subaltern Studies Reader. “History.” Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1997 198-311
Weeks, Jeffrey. Sexuality. London: Routledge, 1986.
Chinese Resources:
Wen-Ruey, Chuang. “Knowledge and Power in Campus.” SuChow Philosophy Journal. No.2. p199. March, 1997. Taipei. 莊文瑞 「校園的知識卅權力分析」 東吳哲學學報No.2, 台北1997.3 p.199.
Yung-Ming, Su. “Postmodernism and Moral Education.” Educational Information Collective Journal 25 (1990): 147-168. 蘇永明著 (民89):「後現代與道德教育」, 教育資料集刊 25期, 147-168頁, 台北
TV Program:
Sex and the City. Perf. Sarah Jessica Parker. Kim Cattrall. Kristin Davis. Cynthia Nixon. HBO. Nan Taoyuan Station, Chungli. 10:00 p.m. 18 June.- 2001
Internet Sources:
bbs:// bbs.kkcity.com.tw “Sex-theCity.” bbs.kkcity.com.tw B.B.S. Internet.
http://www.hbo.com/city/ HBO official homepage of SATC. Online. Internet.
http://epguides.com/SexandtheCity/ Online. Internet.
http://www.whowouldyoukill.com/sexandthecity.html Online. Internet.
http://www.bravo.ca/moresex/index.asp Online. Internet.
http://www.h2so4.net/issues/issue14.html Online. Internet.
http://home.kimo.com.tw/jonnazct89g/epaper/2001/0204.html JoJo. 「我的女朋們」(2001) Online. Internet
http://be1.udnnews.com.tw/2002/1/7/NEWS/INTERNATIONAL/FOCUS/654340.shtml 楊清順譯. 「單身貴族 型塑城市富裕生活」(2002) Online. Internet
http://be1.udnnews.com.tw/2001/11/16/NEWS/CULTURE/PUBLISH/576493.shtml夏綠地. 「《場邊閱讀》不純真的年代 歡迎來到《慾望城市》」(2001) Online. Internet.
http://mypaper1.ttimes.com.tw/user/yapinghsia/index.html 水瓶生活札記. 「紐約及台北的慾望城市」(2002) Online. Internet.
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