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作者(外文):Yi-ling Huang
論文名稱(外文):Staging Gender: Intercultural Theatre in Taiwan, 1990s-
指導教授(外文):Katherine Hui-ling Chou
外文關鍵詞:modern Taiwanese theatreintercultural theatregender studydisruptive intercultural theatre
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  • 點閱點閱:28
  • 評分評分:*****
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During the 1990s, Taiwanese theatre artists were influenced by traditional as well as modern dramatic texts, body training and performing schemes of different cultures. Theatre critics once criticize the contemporary Taiwanese theatre artists for focusing too much on visual and auditory spectacle and lack of cultural awareness when making cross-cultural adaptation. In the twenty-first century, theatre critics observe that Taiwanese artists became more conscious of cultural contexts in intercultural adaptation. They used intercultural resources to reinvent old texts and combined different cultural traditions to address social issues in Taiwan.
Three theatre directors charted in this thesis, Wei Ying-chuan (魏瑛娟), Yen Hung-ya (閻鴻亞), and Katherine Hui-ling Chou(周慧玲), use intercultural strategy for gender debates respectively in Emily Dickinson (艾蜜麗, 2003), Alice in Bed (床上的愛麗思, 2002) and He Is My Wife, He Is My Mother (少年金釵男孟母, 2009, 2010). This thesis considers the three works as disruptive intercultural theatre, examining how they uncover the gender debates in Taiwan. I propose that the three directors aim to subvert the stereotype of cultural bias in Taiwan, particular that of gender stereotypes of marriage, melancholia women, and homosexual identity. They utilize intercultural resources to discuss gender issues in a Taiwanese social context, interfering with some misconceptions of gender.
Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii

Chapter One Introduction 1
I. Methods and Scope in Intercultural Theatre 3
II. Intercultural Theatre in Taiwan 5
III. Chapter Overview 10
Chapter Two Pain as Rebellions against Stigma 15
I. The Struggle against Feminist Social Position in Emily Dickinson 16
II. The Feminist Agency: Rejections of Familial Authority in Alice in Bed 23
III. Castration: Removing Boundaries of Gender in He Is My Wife, He Is My Mother 31
Chapter Three Gender Performance: Alienation of Dramatic Illusion 39
I. Redefining “Women,” Emily Dickinson 41
II. Disguise between Illusion and Reality in Alice in Bed 47
III. Blurring Gender Boundary in He Is My Wife, He Is My Mother 52
Chapter Four Conclusion 60
I. An Unconventional Family 61
II. A Gender issue of Conservatism in the Twenty-First Century 64
III. A Concern for Melancholic Women 68

Works Cited 72
Works Cited

English Reference
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Chinese Reference
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Aide-memoire pour le prochain millenaire-Mouvements (Gei Xia Yi Lun Tai Ping Cheng Shi De Bei Wang Lu—Dong Zou 給下一輪太平盛世的備忘錄—動作). Dir. Wei Ying-chuan 魏瑛娟. DVD. 2003.
Alice in Bed (Chuang Shang De Ai Li Si 床上的愛麗思). Dir. Yen Hung-ya 閻鴻亞. DVD. 2002.
Click, My Baby (Click, Bao Bei Er Click, 寶貝ㄦ). Dir. Katherine Hui-ling Chou 周慧玲. DVD. 2004.
Déjà vu (Jing Yi Pai Dui 驚異派對). Dir. Katherine Hui-ling Chou 周慧玲. DVD. 2003.
Emily Dickinson (Ai Mi Li 艾蜜莉). Dir. Wei Ying-chuan 魏瑛娟. DVD. 2003.
European Dinner (Ou Feng Wan Can 歐風晚餐). Dir. Yen Hung-ya 閻鴻亞. DVD. 2002.
He Is My Wife, He Is My Mother (Shao Nian Jin Chai Nan Meng Mu 少年金釵男孟母). Dir. Katherine Hui-ling Chou 周慧玲. Script and DVD. Taipei: Da Ke, 2010.
I Want You, I Want You Not (Tian Liang Yi Qian Wo Yao Ni 天亮以前我要你). Dir. Katherine Hui-ling Chou 周慧玲. DVD. 2000.
Le Testament de Montmartre (Meng Ma Te Yi Shu 蒙馬特遺書). Dir. Wei Ying-chuan 魏瑛娟. DVD. 2000.
Love Scene Etude (Wen Yi Ai Qing Lian Xi Xi 文藝愛情練習戲). Dir. Wei Ying-chuan 魏瑛娟. DVD. 2002.
Memorial Day in Far Away Place (Yuan Fang Ji Nian Ri 遠方紀念日). Dir. Yen Hung-ya 閻鴻亞. DVD. 2003.
Memory Album (Ji Yi Xiang Bu記憶相簿). Dir. Katherine Hui-ling Chou 周慧玲. DVD. 2002.
Performing Step by Step with Spring (Yu Chun Tian Tong Bu Yan Chu 與春天同步演出). Dir. Yen Hung-ya 閻鴻亞. DVD. 2002.
Reel Murder (Ying Chi Mou Sha 影癡謀殺). Dir. Katherine Hui-ling Chou 周慧玲. DVD. 2005.
Taiwan Dreams Episode I: Dream Hotel (Tai Wan Meng Shou Bu Qu: Xi Xia Lu Guan‧Hu Die Shu 台灣夢首部曲:西夏旅館‧蝴蝶書). Dir. Wei Ying-chuan 魏瑛娟. DVD. 2014.
to be AND not to be (Bu San Bu Si Dao Tai Wan 不三不四到台灣). Dir. Katherine Hui-ling Chou 周慧玲. DVD. 2006.
Unbalance (Dong Wai Xi Dao 東歪西倒). Dir. Wei Ying-chuan 魏瑛娟. DVD. 1999.
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