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作者(外文):Ellie Yu-hui Huang
論文名稱(外文):Politics of Ambiguous Bodies—
Troping Monstrous Motherhood in Boy’s Love and Slash
外文關鍵詞:BLSlashMale pregnancysubculturetextual reproductionaffectreproductionbody
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With recent raising of popularity of BL and Slash, the textual reproduction of these particular subcultures has already developed many tropes in order to continue resonating with BL or Slash readers. Among those tropes, male pregnancy is the most controversial one because it tends to incite extreme reactions in the readers: people either hate it or love it. To understand male pregnancy through naming it as the monstrosity is to map out its relationship with the reality, and the critical status as a liminal being behind its hyperbolic expression. Therefore, I use male pregnancy as the starting point to select two texts from different cultures, i.e. Chinese-speaking and
English-speaking, to draw a parallel study of the affective structure presented in the texts. By close reading into the nuance of different texts of male pregnancy, the structure of feelings on both textual level and the readers’ cultural situations demonstrates the specific emotional trajectories regarding the social issue of maternity. The texts becomes the reflections upon the social relations which constitute feelings like sentimental, angery or paranoid. To further the political possibility motivated
by the affect of such ambiguous bodies in male pregnancy, I want to point out that mentality sustained by those feelings can buttress certain decision-making in the political issues, and the ambiguity is not only in the physiology but also in their unique flexibility presented in their liminal positionality. By tracking the changes within the myth of reproduction, we can try to understand
more in this complicated situation in the societies which are obsessed over the dream of proliferation and reproduction.
Abstract………………………………………………. i
Chinese Abstract…………………………………….. ii
Acknowledgements…………………………………. iii
Politics of Ambiguous Bodies—Troping Monstrous
Motherhood in Boy’s Love and Slash……………... 1
Chapter 1
Of Sentimental Mother and Angry Fetus—Xia Jing
Zhi Zi………………………………………………….. 22
Chapter 2
Romantic Motherhood and Its Paranoia—MOTH... 39
The Affect of Reproductive Male Mothers: Liminal
Monstrosity's Ways of Ambiguity…………………… 61
Works Cited………………………………………….. 64
Xia Jing Zhi Zi Character Chart……………………. 67
MOTH Character Chart…………………………….. 68
Huang iv
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