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作者(外文):Chiao-Ling Wu
論文名稱(外文):A Translation of Chapters Three and Four of Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale
外文關鍵詞:ColonizationHousewifizationInternational Division of LabourWitch hunthousework
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我所翻譯的論文章節是一本有關於依靠全球資本主義累積所導致女性在於全球的地位與分工所造成的結果與論述。我主要翻譯的章節為第三章和第四章,Maria Mies是一位社會主義學者,她身受於馬克思主義反思資本主義的影響。雖然她是位德國女性主義研究者,卻可以用第三者的思維去探討究竟是為何導致了男性與女性之間的不同。資本主義所追求的是對於工人階級的剝削以及濫用封建制度,之後導致階級問題,產生了城鄉差距以及無產階級的極端化。這些較為發達的國家以及在社會上層的人士們,打著要改變資本主義社會以及階級問題的名義,而延伸出了新自由主義,從Mies的論述中,讀者可以看出新自由主義不但沒有解決問題,反而加深了人們之間的階級差別,尤其在於女性的剝削上是更為明顯的。第三章節Mies講解了歷史以及殖民如何影響女性被認為以及被壓迫於男性之下,並從家馴化 (domestication)和家庭主婦化 (housewifization)來合理化這些對女性不公平的對待。在第四章節,Mie講解到,女性在國際分工上的角色又至關重要,科技的進步,也導致這些原本從事手工業的女性工人,被定義為低薪勞工,因為他們的工可以被機器給取代,資本家將這些女性工人變成是一種商品,專為全球企業所生的產品,他們又可被分為手工業、家庭代工業、科技業等等…但這些女人的工作都會被被歸類為非正式部門(informal sector)。這些女性工人因前面第三章所提及的殖民時期的關係,因此導致了第一世界女性和第三世界女性的差別,第一世界的女性可以坐在家,買第三世界女性所生產的產品和奢侈品,並且第一世界的女性較多可以不出去工作,而第三世界的女性必須同時照顧好家庭,並且賺錢養家。對於Mies來說,「不消費買奢侈品」這個行為才可以遏止階級之間的問題。這些男人利用手工業、農業、奶業的外銷來剝削可憐的工人與女性,並且把女人的工當作合理以及自然化。女人的付出被社會視為理所當然,女人作為家庭主婦、老婆以及勞工都被視為是無償的。國際企業公司更是囂張跋扈地把這些沒有全力反抗的女性當成可以被任意調用的勞工。女/人也因此變成了商品。
My thesis is a translation of Chapters Three and Four of Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale: Women in the International Division of Lobour (Maria Mies, 2014).My main translation focuses on chapters three “Colonization and Housewifization” and four “Hosewifization International: Women and the New International Division of Labour”. In chapter three, she writes about how historical process influenced women. Women’s circumstance in the society can be understood as divided into two categories. The one is housewifization. The other one is the domestication. In chapter four, Mies further distinguishes the difference between the old IDL (international division of labour) and the new IDL. The new IDL can connect to the international corporations. Whereas the traditional industries are the key points for the capitalists, like agriculture and factory works. My translation thesis of Mies describes how the global capitalists caused and influenced the consequence about the women’s social states and how this links to the international division of labour of women. Maria Mies is a sociologist. She was deeply influenced by the ideology of capitalist and understands the latter as Marxist. Although she is a German feminist scholar, she can use the third person’s perspective to pint out what is the difference between the First World women and Third World women. The capitalist asks for the exploitation of workers and exerts corruption of Feudalism. That causes the class problem. It produces the versatility, or exchangeability, between urban-rural and the Proletarian workers. These developed countries and the upper-class people use the name of changing capitalism and class problem to develop the new situation. That is neoliberalism. From Mies’ points, the readers can find out the neoliberalism does not only not solve the problem, but also it deepens the class differentiation especially in regards to women’s exploitation. In Mies’ thought, although ‘consumer liberation’ is seen as the only way to solve the condition. However, the truth is people don’t buy the goods, and luxuries are impossible to afford. The global Proletarian’s problem is still existing. The capitalists still oppress the innocent women to make the money. These men use the handicrafts, agriculture and milk industry to exploit these poor workers. They take women’s work as naturalized. Women’s efforts is taken for granted in society. Women as the housewives, mothers, and the workers all are deemed as free of charge. The international corporations are more aggressive to use these innocent women as the flexible labours. Women also are thought of as the merchandises.
English abstract i
Chinese abstract iii
Acknowledgements v
On the Translation vi
Table of Contents vii
Introduction 1
References 9
Colonization and Housewifization 10
Housewifization International: Women and the New International Division of Labour
Banks, Taunya Lovell. “Toward A Global Critical Feminist Vision: Domestic Work and the Nanny Tax Debate” NYU Press; 2nd ed. Edition, 2003. pp. 328-336.
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Cho, Haejoang. “Under construction: Living With Conflicting Subjectivities: Mother, Motherly Wife, and Sexy Woman in the Transition From Colonial-Modern to Postmodern Korea” Under Construction. Published by University of Hawaii Press, 2001. chapter 7. pp.165-196.
Cho, Nam-Joo. Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982. E-book ed. Seoul: Minumsa Publication, 2016. trans Jamie Chang, 2018.
Joseph, Betty. “Gendering Time in Globalization: The Belatedness of the Other Woman and Jamaica Kincaid's Lucy” Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. Vol. 33, No. 2. Published by University of Tulsa, 2014. pp. 67-83.
Kincaid, Jamaica. Lucy E-book ed. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1990.
Mies, Maria. Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale Women in the International Division of Labor. Zed books, 1986, 1988, 2014.
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