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作者(外文):Shu-Ying Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Social Criticism in Huang Hsin-Yao's The Great Buddha +
指導教授(外文):Wen-Chi Lin
外文關鍵詞:Huang Hsin-YaoThe Great Buddha +Social CriticismAudiovisualVoice-over NarrationMise-en-scene
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本研究旨在探討黃信堯的得獎電影《大佛普拉斯》(2017)所揭示的社會批判多層層面。 通過讓觀眾沉浸於邊緣化角色的生活中,該片對當代臺灣所面臨的權力結構和系統性不公正提出了尖銳的批評。現有文獻中,學者們已分析了該片之電影技術、宗教象徵以及社會階級動態。本文欲於現有基礎上,深入探索該片之音景與場景安排是如何描繪出臺灣的社會階層分化現況。
第三章則著眼於本片的精彩視覺呈現。工廠老闆黃啟文(英文:Kevin)巨大的財富與菜脯(拼音:tshài-póo,英文:Pickle)和肚財(拼音:tōo-tsâi,英文:Belly Button)所處的破舊環境形成鮮明對比,突顯了臺灣社會中日益擴大的貧富差距和固有的不平等。
This dissertation aims to explore the multi-layered social critique revealed in Huang Hsin-Yao's award-winning film The Great Buddha + (2017). By immersing the audience in the lives of marginalized characters, the film offers sharp criticism of the power structures and systemic injustices faced by contemporary Taiwanese society. Scholars have already analyzed the film's cinematic techniques, religious symbolism, and social class dynamics in existing literature. Building upon this foundation, this study seeks to dive deeper into how the film's soundscape and mise-en-scène contribute to depicting the social hierarchies in Taiwan.
The sound design plays a crucial role in the film, serving as a powerful tool to enhance the narrative and highlight social critique. By analyzing the use of sound effects, music, and verbal language in the film, Chapter II explores the importance of sound in conveying character emotions, creating atmosphere, and emphasizing social inequalities.
Chapter III focuses on the film's exceptional visual presentation. The stark contrast between the immense wealth of factory owner Kevin (Huang Qi-Wen) and the dilapidated environment of Pickle (Tshài-póo) and Belly Button (Tōo-tsâi) highlights the growing wealth disparity and inherent inequality within Taiwanese society.
Huang Hsin-Yao's masterful storytelling techniques, combined with superb filmmaking skills, reveal the underlying dark undercurrents in contemporary Taiwanese society, exposing the hidden inequalities and moral decay beneath the surface. Through this exploration, it is hoped that The Great Buddha + can serve as a powerful catalyst for critical discussions and cultural introspection, reaffirming the importance of cinema in cultivating social awareness and advocating for change.
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... i
Chinese Abstract ...................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................... iv
Chapter I Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
Chapter II Sound +: Social Critiques on the Track ................................................................. 15
Chapter III Visual Representation: Social Critiques on Display ............................................. 41
Work Cited .............................................................................................................................. 62
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