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作者(外文):Kuan-I Ho
論文名稱(外文):The Politics of "Blank Aesthetic": Rethinking the Cultural Imaginary of the East and Techno Utopia in The Three-Body Problem
外文關鍵詞:Liu Cixinmodern liberalismtechno utopiaEastern aesthetics
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本文從劉慈欣的科幻三部曲《三體》及對其的評論出發,我注意到大部分的評論皆對於他所打造的細緻的世界架構,及具有包容性的科技烏托邦(techno utopia)未來都表示高度的肯定。因此我試圖分析並指出他在《三體》世界中所刻意使用的一種「留白」技法,指出中國國畫中的「空白美學」如何作為一種東方特色。而劉慈欣以空白美學想像東方的無限可能性,是為了挑戰從歐洲(西方)殖民以來看似普世的知識生產及世界觀。然而隨著故事進展,劉慈欣的寫作逐漸呈現一種相對單一的未來想像:自由且高科技的烏托邦未來。我進一步檢視在這樣看似平等的科技烏托邦中,西方自由人文主義(modern liberalism)的概念是如何被當作一種普世價值,與高科技相輔相成,成為由東方主導的「更好的」人類未來範本。本文希望通過「空白美學」此一概念,說明並分析東方文化的想像意涵,是如何回應並提供對於未來世界可能的想像。最終在看似樂觀的且平等的「科學/科技」想像下,仍呈現對於未來世界想像中合格公民與「自由」之間的掙扎。
Most of the commentaries on Liu Cixin’s The Three-Body Problem trilogy stress the remarkable details as well as inclusive humanitarian concerns in its world-building of techno utopia. My thesis critically examines the assumed thorough world-building with a particular focus on the discussion of how Liu characterizes the East with “blank aesthetics.” In this thesis, I analyze how Liu develops the “blank aesthetics” to create the infinite possibilities of
the East to challenge the West-centric epistemology. Offering a detailed reading of the literary narratives alongside critical cultural texts, I specifically discuss how Liu’s work imagines the unthinkable future with blank aesthetics to respond to the cultural imagery of the East as a possible future alternative. I argue that the infinite possibilities, however East-oriented, fall under the cultural logics of modern liberalism in which liberty, technology and citizenship are still privileged to imagine the promising future direction for the betterment of humanity.
English Abstract………………………………………………………………………………..I
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………...V
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The “Blank Aesthetics” and Productivity of the East…………………...…………20
Chapter 3
The “Infinite Possibilities” of the East in the Liberal Myth……………………….36
Chapter 4
The “Right” Direction Within Infinite Possibilities—the Technological
Work Cited…………………………………………………………………………….……...67
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