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作者(外文):Yung-Hsin Tan
論文名稱(外文):Narratives of Intimacy and (Neo)liberal Governance
指導教授(外文):Amie Parry
外文關鍵詞:intimacyromantic lovemarriagefreedomcivil progressemancipative humanizationexclusionary violence(neo)liberal unificationheterogeneitysuffering
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  • 點閱點閱:114
  • 評分評分:*****
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Taking the literary and visual texts’ depiction of the contradictory intimacy between the characters as the research object, this thesis analyzes how the idea of intimacy is formed and works in the modern (neo)liberal society to maintain mechanisms of exclusionary violence toward certain groups of people, and further support liberal unification of the heterogeneity of people’s living and suffering. Although the genre and the story’s setting are different among the three texts, these texts have a similar representation of romantic love and marriage, or a certain kind of intimate relationship, as the ultimate demonstration of love and a successful life. In this way of representation, these texts also commonly indicate that the individual choice and pursuit of romantic love and/or marriage is how the suffering characters can achieve emancipative humanization and freedom. However, the characters still do not advance into the category of “successful people” and improve their suffering even though they have paid life-threatening costs for their pursuit of romantic love. Through looking into the characters’ continuing suffering and a sense of alienating contradiction with their important intimates under the surface of their intimacy during their autonomous pursuit of their desired love relation and lifestyle, this thesis explores the hidden genealogical relation between the characters’ identification toward romantic intimacy, humanized freedom and individual advancement and liberal narratives of freedom and forgetting. By investigating into the continuity between the formation of the characters’ desired intimacy and lifestyle and liberal political discourses about humanity and freedom, this thesis traces what intersectional factors and historical residues constitute the characters’ seemingly de-contextualized, individualized choice and desire for a certain form of intimate relationship to achieve freedom and progress. Through this way of analysis, this thesis hopes to present how the prevalently universalized value about the civil progress of romantic love and marriage actually serves as the dominating mechanism of violently reducing the diverse forms of people’s lifestyle and suffering, further making certain groups of people’s suffering unthinkable, unimaginable and incomprehensible to the society.
English Abstract..........................................I
Table of Contents........................................VI
Chapter 1:
The Paradox of Romantic Love: The Achievement and Confinement of Romantic Love in The Book of Salt.........21
Chapter 2:
The Limit of Freedom: The Unsettling Residues of Romantic Love in The Little Mermaid...............................64
Chapter 3:
The Sacrificial Reproductive Man: The Politics of Family in Octavia E. Butler’s “Bloodchild”.........................93
Works Cited.............................................140

Primary Texts
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Truong, Monique T. D. The Book of Salt. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 2003. Print.

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