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作者(外文):Tseng Hsin-Min
論文名稱(外文):An Examination of Narcissism Discourses in Contemporary Taiwan: A Rethinking from the 2014 Taipei Metro Attack Event
指導教授(外文):Yi Peng
外文關鍵詞:NarcissismContemporary TaiwanCheng Chiehthe 2014 Taipei Metro Attack Event
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本文透過自戀概念在精神科學(精神分析、心理學、精神醫學及心理治療)、犯罪學、文化論述等不同領域的知識生產及轉變,檢視1950年代至今臺灣自戀論述之發展。當今自戀概念已脫離其原生之佛洛伊德式的精神分析脈絡,被不同學科使用並在大眾文化中逐漸被視為自負與個人中心的同義詞。本文由2014 年臺北捷運隨機殺人事件(又稱鄭捷事件)做為問題意識出發,探查在此事件之前臺灣自戀論述之歷史與發展。追溯跨學科之文本與材料,本文希望發掘形塑今日鄭捷事件中自戀論述發展的力量,並分析此事件作為當代自戀論述發展的反思。透過歷史化自戀論述,本文希望能將自戀概念視為鑲嵌於不同時間脈絡中,人與世界複雜的互動之產物,並由此提供一個觀看當代自戀論述不同的
Revisiting and interrogating the knowledge production and transformation of narcissism in psy knowledge (psychoanalytical, psychology, psychiatric and psychotherapy), criminological and cultural theorizations, this thesis examines the narcissism discourses from 1950s to nowadays in order to see how the concept of narcissism is incorporated into different knowledge domains in contemporary Taiwan. Increasingly known and used as the synonym of vanity and egoism in mass culture nowadays, narcissism has been deprived of original context, lent to different domains outside of its Freudian psychoanalytical context and reduced to the problem related only to the I. Starting the problematic from the discourses of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) in the 2014 Taipei Metro attack event (also called Cheng Chieh event), this thesis hopes to probe into the history of narcissism in Taiwan before the event to see the development of narcissism discourses in Taiwan. Tracing the interdisciplinary texts of narcissism theorizations, this thesis hopes to find out what contributes to the narcissism discourses of the Cheng Chieh event and examines the event as the reflection of tendency of contemporary development of narcissism discourses. Through historicizing narcissism discourses, this thesis hopes to see the concept of narcissism as a product embedded in complicated interactions and entanglements between the I and the world in different time periods and to provide a different perspective in viewing the contemporary narcissism discourses.
Table of Contents
English Abstract.................................................................................I
Table of Contents..............................................................................V Introduction......................................................................................1
Chapter 1
Vulnerable Self in Object Relations and Modernity: Dominant Anglo- American’s Discourses on Narcissism in Late 20th Century.........13
Chapter 2
Untold Stories of Possibility and Vulnerability: Narcissism Discourses from 1950s to 1980s in Taiwan...........................................35
Chapter 3
Pathologization of Individual and Society: Contestations of Narcissism Discourses in Taiwan from 1990s Onward..............................60
Chapter 4
Reexamination of Narcissism Discourses Surrounding the 2014 Taipei
Metro Attack Event........................................................ 87 Conclusion....................................................................................114 Appendix.......................................................................................119
Works Cited....................................................................................124
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In Chinese
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Other Resources In Chinese
Cheng, Pai-Ya 鄭百雅. “Zai tan dang dai she hui zi lian yi han-cong mei zhuang bu luo ge tan qi” (〈再探當代社會自戀意涵-從美妝部落格談起〉)[Rethinking
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National Chung Cheng University, 2007. Web. 21 Apr. 2018.
Hsieh, Yu-Wei 謝煜偉. “Gui dao sheng yu si: ren ren mo sha ren mo yen chiang
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Taiwan: Humans, Human Monsters and Those Who Kill the Monsters(Lecture Script)]. International Conference Against the Death Penalty: Life and Death in Taiwan 2014 台灣國際廢死研討會. n.d. Web. 14. Nov. 2017.
Huang, Li-Chien 黃莉娟. “Guo zhong xue sheng zi lian te zhi、zi zun yu gong ji xing
wei zhi xiang guan yan jiu” (〈國中學生自戀特質、自尊與攻擊行為之相關
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研究〉)[The Performativity of Mental Symptoms: Research on Clinical
Ethnography of Delusion]. Workshop of Graduates on Psychiatry and East Asia Society and EASTS [「精神科學與東亞社會」暨東亞科技與社會國際
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Taiwan High Court 臺灣高等法院. “Taiwan kao teng fa yuan chueh 104 nien du zue
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