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作者(外文):Bo-Jiun Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Gender Politics and/in Visual Representations
指導教授(外文):Nai-fei Ding
外文關鍵詞:housewifizationcolonizationpatriarchymale homosocialitymale homosexualitySherlock Holmesgender equalityqueerfragile subjectdelicate emotions
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  • 評分評分:*****
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(一) 學英語如何影響家庭婦女化-針對救救蔡英文的解析
根據Maria Mies的描述,家庭婦女化隨著殖民的過程成為遍布全球的社會機制。但是隨著殖民輸入的不只是家庭婦女化,同時也包含習得英語的慾望。Suhanthie Motha和Angel Lin認為,學習語言的慾望來源複雜,並來自於個體擁有的缺失。對語言學習者,語言只是獲得目標的工具。
(二) 探索21世紀福爾摩斯的作品中逐漸改變的男性情誼與男性情慾的相關性
對於Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick來說,男性情誼與男性情慾的行為起初不因性慾而被區分。直到父權制利用一夫一妻制度並需要異性戀傾向控制女性,男性情慾才被同性恐懼所區分出並排斥。但是男性情誼與男性情慾之間的相關性從未真正斷絕,只是被父權制和同性恐懼隱藏並混淆。
(三) 台灣的性別治理與國家政治正確

This thesis is composed of three essays. The following abstract will also be divided into three parts to explain the content of each article. Each essay in the thesis explores a gender-related social mechanism. And all the details of each social mechanism is presented in the visualized representation analyzed.
(一) How Learning English Affects Housewifization – A Reading of English Vinglish
According to Maria Mies, the housewifization became a global social mechanism through the process of colonization. Moreover, housewifization is not the only thing implemented along with colonization. There is also the desire of learning English. Suhanthie Motha and Angel Lin believe that the desire of learning English comes from complex sources and psychoanalytic lack of individuals. For the learners, language is only a tool rather than a desired goal.
Shashi in English Vinglish is simultaneously affected by these two social mechanisms. This essay attempts to explore how the housewifization and learning English influence this traditional Indian housewife. Furthermore, how do these social mechanism interact with each other?
(二) Post-2000 Sherlock Holmes in a Changing Homosociality and Homosexuality Continuum
For Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, the behaviors of male homosociality and homosexuality were not distinguished at first. It was not divided until patriarchy uses monogamy system and needs heterosexual orientation to control women. That is when male homosexuality was shaped and distinguished by homophobia. However, the continuum between male homosociality and male homosexuality has never extinguished, but is hidden by patriarchy and homophobia.
This essay aims to explore whether the literature of Sherlock Holmes, one of the classics of male homosociality canon, has changed in the process of being adapted into several visualized representation in the modern society. Although the continuum between male homosociality and male homosexuality is recognized and discussed publicly by more and more people, the homophobia which stems from patriarchy still exist and influence the continuum. Owing to homophobia has become a political incorrectness, it does not directly express itself. Now homophobia learns to take indirect strategy to distract people from focusing on the continuum between male homosociality and male homosexuality.
(三) Gender Governance and National Political Correctness in Taiwan
The Republic of China (ROC) has announced and implemented several policies on gender equality in the past decades. However, these legislations which aim for achieving a gender-neutral society and male Taiwan a free and equal country continue to arouse controversies.
In fact, Taiwan’s policies of gender-neutral may be owing to pressure from within and outside the country. Since the government moved to Taiwan, this country has been under pressure from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). In order to acquire the recognition of international social status and establish national sovereignty, Taiwan is influenced by the advanced western countries and refers to the developed process of western countries from various aspects. Gender governance is one of them.
Therefore, gender equality has become an issue of political correctness in Taiwan. And Taiwan’s non-government organizations (NGOs) have shaped fragile subjects and delicate emotions of citizens to promote progressive gender ideologies. With the achievement of gender equality, queers also promote the protection of queer human rights. Some queers have addressed themselves as fragile subjects and arouse the delicate emotions of citizens. How this transpires is examined in one segment of a new series of queer documentaries.
Table of Contents

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………… i

Chinese Abstract ……………………………………………………………………iv

Acknowledgment ………………………………………………………………… vi

How Learning English Affects Housewifization – A Reading of English Vinglish …1

Work Cited …………………………………………………………………………15

Post-2000 Sherlock Holmes in a Changing Homosociality and Homosexuality Continuum …………………………………………………………………………16

Work Cited …………………………………………………………………………29

Gender Governance and National Political Correctness in Taiwan ……………… 30

Work Cited …………………………………………………………………………54

Work Cited

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