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作者(外文):Yi-Hsuan Lin
論文名稱(外文):Reconstructed Value of Sherlock Holmes in Sally Lockhart Mysteries with Nostalgia
指導教授(外文):David Barton
外文關鍵詞:NostalgiaSherlock HolmesConan DoyleFredric JamesonPostmodernismPhilip Pullman
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  • 評分評分:*****
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在十九世紀柯南道爾筆下大名鼎鼎的私家偵探福爾摩斯,即使在二十世紀的小說家當中也 是極欲效仿的對象。基於對福爾摩斯的強烈懷舊情感,小說家們使用各式各樣的象徵物、 比喻,將他的英雄情懷和優秀辦案能力投射在故事的許多角色和情節當中。其中一位暢銷 青少年圖書作家菲利普普曼和他的<英倫懸疑四部曲>成了此篇論文當中的主要觀察對象與 材料。此篇論述將會從美國左翼社會學家詹明信的<後現代主義和消費社會>開始,來研究 福爾摩斯和<英倫懸疑四部曲>主角莎莉拉赫特之間的相互關係。在第二章節,福爾摩斯的 象徵物和代表特質會跟普爾曼如何將之使用在<英倫懸疑四部曲>上一併討論。如此發現了 普爾曼的創作是初步建構在柯南道爾的基礎之上,再賦予其他深刻含義。同時也展現這份 對福爾摩斯的懷舊思想是如何風行在其他青少年小說研究上。最後,在與詹明信的論述激 盪之下,我們將會發現這些福爾摩斯的懷舊象徵是如何巧妙地被運用在當代青少年小說以 及社會和文學層面。
Under the amusing narration of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes is not only a famous consultant detective in the fiction of the ninetieth century, but also a well-known heroic icon in the twentieth century. In order to deal with strong feelings of nostalgia, many novelists choose Holmes as the prototype to be protagonist of the stories and portray his characteristics into many characters, thus trying to construct the very Victorian London society where he exists. In the process of reconstruction, there are many signifiers of Holmes pervasively used by these novelists. A good example is Philip Pullman and his Sally Lockhart Mysteries. The presented paper aims to investigate how to reconstruct this hero with nostalgic symbols. Therefore, this thesis will begin with the interrelationship between Sherlock Holmes and Sally Lockhart in Frederic Jameson’s “Postmodernism and Consumer Society.” In the second chapter, Holmes’s representative symbols and elements will be discussed along with the novels. Pullman’s use of those signifiers in his books will indicate that the series is generally based on the re-formulation of Doyle’s works. It also shows the signifiers act parallel in essays of other young adults novel. In addition, this thesis also discusses abut the nostalgia for Sherlock Holmes. The presented pages concludes that Jameson’s discussion of Nostalgia will display the nostalgic signifiers work function on a young adult fiction level as well as its significance in society and literature.
English Abstract i
Chinese Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
Chapter I Sherlock Holmes with Sally Lockhart in Fredric Jameson’s “Postmodernism and Consumer Society” 1
Chapter II Signifiers and Images of Sherlock Holmes in Sally Lockhart Mysteries 22
Conclusion Perpetual Glory in Reconstruction: A New Language called Nostalgia 46
Works cited 52

Dika, Vera. Recycled Culture in Contemporary Art and Film: the Use of Nostalgia. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge UP, 2003.
Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir., and John A. Hodgson, ed. Sherlock Holmes: The Major Stories with Contemporary Critical Essays. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press, c1994. Jameson, Fredric. “Postmodernism and Consumer Society.” Postmodern Culture. Britain: Pluto
Press Limited, 1985.
Mathison, Ymitri. “Map, Pirates and Treasure: The Commodification of Imperialism in
Nineteenth-Century Boy’Adventure.” The Nineteenth-Century Child and Consumer
Culture. USA; Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2008.
Nelson, Claudia. “Adult Children’s Literature in Victorian Britain.” The Nineteenth-Century
Child and Consumer Culture. USA; Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2008. Pullman, Philip. The Tin Princess. 1sted. Ed. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. New York: Knopf Paperback,
1997, April. Print.
---. The Ruby in the Smoke. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1985.
---. The Shadow in the North. Great Britain: Oxford UP, 1986. ---. The Tiger in the Well. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1990.
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