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作者(外文):Ssu-yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Taiwanization: Affective Politics in Post-Martial Law Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Josephine Ho
外文關鍵詞:affectaffective politicsLove Taiwangender governanceglobal governanceTaiwanization
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Before 1970s, Love Taiwan (愛台灣) as a catchphrase was no more than a nonchalant statement of personal affection for homeland, since during KMT government’s authoritarianism rule Taiwan did not carry any political connotations beyond geographical location, but in the decades that followed, when rapid changing international context made democratization movement took on more and more legitimacy in Taiwan, a significant change in affect also took place that transformed the political milieu completely: the emergence of “Taiwan” as a framework of identification raised the term from a mere geographic location to a lived space invested with familial as well as patriotic emotions; in the end, it even became a moral rhetoric which testified one’s good citizenship in contemporary Taiwan. This paper will trace the context that prompted the transformation of Love Taiwan (愛台灣) from a distinctive ethnic connotation into a seemingly neutralized expression of civic pride that implied class distinction.
Abstract I
中文摘要 II
Acknowledgement III
Table of Contents V

Chapter 1:Taiwanization: Identity Politics of Forgetting 1

Chapter 2: Imagined Vulnerability and Gender Mainstreaming Nationalism 25

Chapter 3: The Affective Politics of New Citizenship 42

Chapter 4:Love Taiwan (愛台灣) as the Object of “A Small but Certain Happiness” 58

Chapter 5: Conclusion 79

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Local News
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〈紫中帶綠?女學會被貼標籤 成員多數立場「中立」 沒有「收編」問題 但意見歧異時 政黨認同隱約扮演某種模糊曖昧角色〉,《聯合報》,2003年09月07日。
〈新聞快遞 政院將設性別平等委員會〉,《聯合報》,2003年08月22日,A11版。
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