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作者(外文):Ruo-Xuan Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Flâneur in Literature: Walter Benjamin Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle
指導教授(外文):David Barton
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:32
  • 評分評分:*****
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This thesis will mainly discuss flâneur’s position in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Man of The Crowd” and Arthur Conan Doyle’s “A Scandal in Bohemia”. On the other words, this thesis suggests examining two kinds of relationships: the relationship between the flâneur and the detective character and the relationship between the detective character and the writer. Baudelaire’s concept of flâneur will use as an important ideal while examining the two kinds of relationships.

Chapter one will introduces both Benjamin and Baudelaire’s concept of flâneur. Benjamin considers that flâneur appears with the rise of arcade and they enjoy strolling around the crowd. On the contrary, Baudelaire’s flâneur is more alienated than Benjamin’s flâneur. They are isolated while being with the crowd. Moreover, Benjamin also mentions that Poe uses the image of flâneur in his short story and considers that flâneur is the one who full with guilt. The second chapter and the third chapter will mainly discuss the relationship between the detective character and the flâneur, and the relationship between the writer himself and the detective character. Writers are the reflection of the flâneur and they use words to show what they’ve observed in the world. Moreover, writers merges themselves into the character and creates character form their observation of the crowd. This thesis concludes by suggesting that flâneur, character in the literature, and writer himself are related to each other. Writers embody the flâneur and the character in their works is the reflections of the writer and the flâneur.
Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................... i
摘要 .......................................................................................................................................ii
誌謝 .......................................................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. iv
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................1
Historical Context .......................................................................................................... 1
The Concept of Flâneur ................................................................................................. 3
Live as a Writer and Make a Living by Writing ................................................................ 5
The Flâneur, the Detective Character, and the Writer .................................................... 7
Chapter I Walter Benjamin and Charles Baudelaire's concept of “Flânerie” ......................... 9
Flâneur in Walter Benjamin's Study ............................................................................... 10
Flâneur in Baudelaire's Concept .................................................................................... 12
Chapter II The Relationship between the Flâneur and the Detective Character .................... 19
The Flâneur and the Detective in Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Man of the Crowd' .................. 21
The Flâneur and the Detective in Conan Doyle's Detective Novels ............................... ..28
Chapter III The Relationship between the Detective Character and the Writer Himself ......... 36
Edgar Allan Poe and the Narrator in "The Man of the Crowd".......................................... 38
Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes ...................................................................... 41
Make a Living as a Writer............................................................................................... 43
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 49
Works Cited ...................................................................................................................... 51
Works Cited

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