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作者(外文):Lin-ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Visible and The Insivible: The Ambiguity of Nature''s Ontological Status in Contemporary Ecocritical Discourses
指導教授(外文):Amie Parry
外文關鍵詞:distribution mapecocritical discoursesontological ambiguityvisionthe material worldtime
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  • 評分評分:*****
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With the substantive belief that nature (the material world) is deteriorating from its original circumstance to the terminal catastrophe, contemporary ecocritical discourses investigate the factors for such degrading situation and explore any possible solutions. These two ways, though seemingly distinct, are in truth re-defining the place of humans in the world. As a result, when the concern about the role of human beings diverts the attention from the concern about the exact definition of the material world, what counts as the being of the material world becomes ambiguous: the being on the one hand is equalized with the occupancy of space; on the other hand, the spatial contour is only a visual presence of the being. Furthermore, this ambiguity in terms of ontological status of the material world is further aggravated when the current academic realm is dominated by the debates over the nature of knowledge: in the context of the disbelief in “the natural,” any proposal about the material world in terms of its ontological status is vulnerable to be criticized as naively naturalistic or blindly monopolistic in light of the knowledge of the material world. Beginning with this problematic in the current ecocritical discourses, this thesis is devoted to the incipient comparisons of the premises underlying the ambiguous ontological contentions and to the inductive suggestion of the determinant of such ambiguity—the role of vision. With the awareness of the ambiguity of nature’s ontological status, this thesis aims not only to raise the awareness of what counts as the being of a natural entity, but also intends to pave the way for exploring the impact of the ontological implication of sight on the material world.
Abstract ............................................ i
Chinese Abstract ....................................ii
Acknowledgement ....................................iii
Chapter One: The Review of Contemporary Ecocritical Discourses: the Sense of Time, the Human Roles, and Some Ambiguity.............................................1
Chapter Two: The Proscenium and Backstage of Nature’s Ambiguous Ontological Status: Distribution Maps and Debates over Epistemology.............................21
Chapter Three: The Comparisons of the Status of Being:
The Visible and The Invisible.........................46
Conclusion: The Significance of the Awareness of Nature’s Status of Being: Visual Images in the Culture of Nature
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