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作者(外文):Shine Lo
論文名稱(外文):An Aesthetic of Social Photography
指導教授(外文):Laura Pérez León
外文關鍵詞:Social PhotographyAestheticArtChild LaborLewis HineDocumentary
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本文的調查集中在社會攝影主題上,社會攝影的主要動機是將一種特殊的情感注入到我們感知的社會現實中,促進對它的關注並有所改變。社會紀實攝影的實踐體現了感官對事件的直接感受以及再現該事件的視覺品質和特徵,就像藝術對社會的巨大影響一樣,這使得攝影成為一種審美形式, 與其他藝術不同,例如繪畫或戲劇。全文以三位社會攝影師為代表,分別為路易斯.海因 (Lewis Hine)、塞巴斯蒂昂.薩爾加多 (Sebastião Salgado)、馬丁.帕爾(Martin parr)

社會攝影的紀實功能具有雙重意義,一方面,它具有審美意義,可以實現感官欣賞或欽佩; 另一方面,它傳達了有關事件、人物和實際社會事務的重要信息,而我有興趣評估的主張是後者的社會攝影價值,即社會攝影的本質是提供有關我們的社會世界、他人和我們自己有價值的信息。這是我旨在檢驗和捍衛的聲明,我特別要分析攝影師的現場目擊紀錄,透過一系列的形式呈現和理解,這些是讓我們理解如何進行視覺感知的獨特資料、並了解社會。

The aim for this dissertation focuses on the theme of social photography. One of the main motivations of social photographers is to pour a special kind of affection into how we sense social reality, to promote attention to it and to transform it. Social documentary photography in this view embodies a direct feeling about an event given by the senses as well as the visual quality and character of representing that event, like a great impact from art to society, which makes photography an aesthetic form that is different from other arts, such as painting or theater. To illustrate the practice of social photography, my thesis examines the work of three social photographers, respectively Lewis Hine, Sebastião Salgado, and Martin Parr.

The documentary function of social photography provides a twofold meaning. On the one hand, it has an aesthetic meaning for enabling sensory appreciation or admiration. On the other hand, it conveys important information about events, people, and actual social affairs. The claim I am interested in assessing is one in which the value of social photography is the latter. Namely, the nature of social photography is to provide valuable information about our social world, others, and ourselves. This is the statement I aim to examine and defend. In particular, I will analyze the photographer's on-site witness records—presented and understood in series of images—as they are unique materials to comprehend our visual perception of how we understand society.

Photography has been an important topic in aesthetics as its practice and its sensory appreciation have generated a collection of novel inquiries about aesthetic value. The trend of documentary photography has been gradually confused with artistic aesthetics, but contemporary documentary photography has focused on the connotation of the photograph and conceptualizing the practice of taking photographs not just the beauty of the photographic form.
Abstract i
Chinese Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Contents v

Introduction 1
Chapter one: Theoretical Examination of Lewis Hine's View on Social Photography 5
1.1 What does W. Benjamin hold about photography and in which ways does his view might help to examine Hine's photography? 5
1.2 What is Hine's view on photography? 11
1.3 Four photographs by Lewis Hine 15

Chapter two: Theoretical Examination of Sebastião Salgado's View on Social Photography 21
2.1 What do P. Bourdieu and R. Barthes hold about photography and in which ways do their views might help to examine Salgado's photography? 21
2.2 What is Salgado’s view of photography? 26
2.3 Four photographs by Salgado 33

Chapter three: Theoretical Examination of Martin Parr’s View on Social Photography 39
3.1 What do Roland Barthes and Lewis Hine hold about photography and in which ways do their views might help to examine Parr’s photography? 40
3.2 What is Parr’s view on social photography? 42
3.3 Four photographs by Martin Parr 44

Conclusion 49
Work Cited 52
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