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論文名稱(外文):The effects of blending physical and virtual experiments on elementary school students' conceptual understanding and attitude toward science class
指導教授(外文):Tzu-Ling Wang
外文關鍵詞:force and motionconceptual changealternative conceptionphysical experimentvirtual experiment
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本研究採準實驗研究設計,參與的樣本來自一所公立國小五年級六個班級的學生,共166人。分別隨機選派兩班至實驗組A(動手做實驗融入教學)、實驗組B(虛擬實驗融入教學)以及實驗組C(結合動手做與虛擬實驗融入教學)。研究工具包含:力與運動成就測驗、對自然課的態度量表以及開放性問卷。資料分析方法包含:獨立樣本單因子共變數分析(one-way ANCOVA)、卡方檢定(Chi-square)以及敘述統計(descriptive statistics)。
The purposes of this study are to investigate the effects of the three teaching methodologies (physical experiments, virtual experiments, and blending physical and virtual experiments) on fifth grade elementary school students’ science achievement, attitudes toward science class and the conceptual understanding of force and motion.
A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. The participants were 166 fifth grade students from six science classes in an elementary school. Of the six science classes, two science classes were assigned as the physical experiment group, two science classes were assigned as the virtual experiment group, and two science classes were assigned as the blending physical and virtual experiment group, respectively. Three instruments, the Force and Motion Achievement Test, the Attitudes Toward Science Class Survey and the Open-Ended Questionnaire were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using one-way ANCOVA, Chi-square, and descriptive statistics.
The major findings of this study are as follows :
1.Students working in the blending physical and virtual experiment condition tended to exhibit better science achievement than students working in the virtual experiment condition.
2.There were no significant differences between the three groups with regard to students’ attitudes toward science class.
3.Students working in the blending physical and virtual experiments seemed to exhibit better concpetual change than students working in the physical experiments alone and the virtual experiments alone.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 3
第三節 名詞釋義 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 動手做實驗與虛擬實驗的優勢 5
第二節 動手做實驗、虛擬實驗和結合動手做與虛擬實驗融入教學之實徵性研究 8
第三節 力與運動另有概念之相關研究 13
第三章 研究方法與設計 21
第一節 研究架構 21
第二節 研究流程 23
第三節 研究設計 25
第四節 研究對象 28
第五節 研究工具 29
第六節 實驗教學教材內容 33
第七節 資料收集與分析 40
第四章 研究結果與討論 43
第一節 動手做實驗、虛擬實驗、結合動手做實驗與虛擬實驗融入教學對科學學習成就的影響 43
第二節 動手做實驗、虛擬實驗、結合動手做實驗與虛擬實驗融入教學對自然課的態度的影響 46
第三節 動手做實驗、虛擬實驗、結合動手做實驗與虛擬實驗融入教學對概念理解的影響 48
第五章 結論與建議 63
參考文獻 67
一、中文部份 67
二、英文部份 68
附錄 73
附錄一 力與運動成就測驗 73
附錄二 對自然課的態度量表 77
附錄三 力與運動開放性問卷 81
附錄四 動手做實驗教學教案設計 85
附錄五 虛擬實驗教學教案設計 93
附錄六 結合動手做與虛擬實驗教學教案設計 101
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