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作者(外文):Chien, Ming-Fu
論文名稱(外文):The effect of vibrations from bicycle handles on the arm muscles
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Wen-Hsinn
外文關鍵詞:sports biomechanicsresultant accelerationIEMG
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目的:探討三種不同自行車把手型式在顛簸振動時對騎乘者上肢肌群活化程度之影響,藉此瞭解三種把手型式之效益。方法:利用Delsys無線肌電與加速規收取肌肉活化與振動幅度之相關參數,將Delsys貼至上肢伸腕肌、屈腕肌、肱二頭肌與肱三頭肌,以三種不同把手型式(上昇型、平直型與下彎型)在兩種不同路面(平順路面與顛簸路面),將踩踏頻率訂定為50 rpm,騎乘距離為30公尺,分別騎乘平順路面與顛簸路面三種手把各1次,前10公尺到達穩定踩踏節奏後,收取後20公尺之相關參數。利用SPSS 18進行相依樣本二因子變異數分析與事後比較,比較三種不同把手形式在兩種不同路面之肌肉活化與振動幅度之差異。結果:一、在肌肉活化的部分,路面、把手與上肢肌群沒有交互作用,其中屈腕肌肌肉活化,下彎型顯著大於平直型;上昇型顯著大於平直型。在三頭肌部分,上昇型把大於下彎型達顯著差異,其餘則無顯著差異。二頭肌之肌肉活化,彎把與平直把手以及平直把手及上昇型把手未達顯著差異,且在平順與顛簸路面皆為平直型大於上昇型大於下彎型;在伸腕肌部分,平直型大於下彎型大於上昇型。二、在肌肉振動的部分,手把與上肢肌群沒有交互作用;屈腕肌、伸腕肌皆為上昇型大於平直型;上昇型大於下彎型,且兩者皆達顯著差異。而在二頭肌部分,下彎型大於平直型;上昇型大於平直型。在二頭肌部分,平直型大於上昇型大於下彎型,且達顯著差異。結論:在騎乘自行車時,可選擇安裝平直型把手與上昇型把手之把手型式,來增加騎乘之舒適度。


Objective: To investigate three different types of bicycle handlebar vibration when going over bumps on the upper limb muscle activation and the degree of influence on the rider. To learn about the three types of benefits that each handle has. Methods: The use of Delsys wireless EMG and accelerometer, attached to the upper extremity, measured the muscle activation parameters and the vibration amplitude of the wrist extensor muscles, wrist flexor muscles, biceps and triceps with regards to the three different types of handle bars (up-type, flat type and re-curved type). Also, two different types of roads were used; smooth pavement and bumpy road.
The pedaling frequency is set to 50 rpm, riding distance of 30 meters, respectively, smooth riding surface with bumps three kinds of hand. The 1st, the first 10 meters after reaching a steady rhythm, after charging 20 meters of the relevant parameters. Use SPSS 18 were dependent sample two-factor analysis of variance compared with hindsight, the difference of two different roads of muscle activation and the vibration amplitude of the three different forms of handles. Results: First, muscle activation part, the road, there is no interaction between the handle and arm muscles, including wrist flexor muscle activation, recurved type handles significantly higher than the flat type; ascending significantly greater than the flat type. In the triceps part, ascending up the curved, significant differences: greater than, the rest no significant differences. The biceps muscle activation, bending to less than significant differences with straight handle, and flat handle and increased grip on smooth and bumpy roads are all in straight type, larger than ascending curved is larger than the next; the extensor carpi section, straight type larger than the lower curved and more than ascending. Second, part of the muscle vibration, hand and arm muscles have no interaction; flexor carpi extensor carpi are all ascending more than straight type; ascending greater than the lower curved, and both are of significant differences. In the biceps section, under curved more than straight type; ascending higher than the flat type. In the biceps section, straight type larger than ascending, curved larger than the lower, and show significant differences. Conclusion: When riding a bicycle, you can choose to install a flat-type handle and the handle grip type ascending to increase the comfort of the ride.
Keywords: sports biomechanics, resultant acceleration, IEMG
第壹章 緒論……...……………………..…………………………………..1
第一節 問題背景…………………...…………..………………………1
第二節 研究目的..……………………..…….…………………………2
第三節 操作性名詞定義…………………..……….……..……………2
第四節 研究範圍…………………………...………………..…………5
第五節 研究限制…………………………...…………………..………6
第貳章 文獻探討……....…..……………………………………….………7
第一節 自行車把手型式………………….………..…………………..8
第二節 把手型式與上肢肌群的關聯……………………………..….10
第三節 顛簸對自行車騎乘的影響……………..……………….……13
第四節 文獻總結……………..……………..……………………...….16
第叁章 研究方法…………………..……………………………...………18
第一節 研究架構……………………..……………….………………18
第二節 研究參與者………………..……………………….…………18
第三節 實驗時間與地點…………………..…………….……………19
第四節 研究工具………..………………………………….…………20
第五節 實驗控制……………………..………………….……………21
第六節 場地佈置圖……………………………..……..….……………23
第七節 實驗方法與步驟……………………………..….……………23
第八節 資料分析……………………………………..….……………25
第肆章 結果與討論………………….……………………...…………….26
第一節 平順路面與顛簸路面之肌肉活化差異…………….…………26
第二節 平順路面與顛簸路面之振動幅度差異…………... ….……….34
第伍章 結論與建議…………….…………………...……………………43
第一節 結論…………………………..…………………….…………43
第二節 建議………………..……………………………….…………43
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