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論文名稱(外文):Based on GAME Theory of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Enhance Students’ Learning Attitude
外文關鍵詞:One-on-one e-learning environmentgame theorysummary
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The study aims to probe into the influence of game theory-based cooperative learning upon the summary writing abilities and attitudes of fifth graders under the computer-supported e-learning environment. The study adopted quasi-experimental research to research into 73 fifth graders in three classrooms of an elementary school in Taichung City. A six-week experiment was conducted on the basis of six lessons from the Chinese textbook of fifth graders of the second semester of the academic year 2013-2014. The experimental group 1 carried out its teaching activities with the method of “game theory-based cooperative learning with one computer for each group,” and the experimental group 2 adopted “game theory-based cooperative learning with one computer for each student,” while the control group (Class C) adopted didactic instruction. Data were collected with (Class C) adopted didactic instruction. group, graders in three classrooms of an elementary school in Taichung City. A six-week experiment was conducted on the stionnaire.
The results of the study found that the pre-test and post-test of the two experimental groups and one control group for summary writing had significant differences. The abilities of the stionnaire.x lessons from the Chinese textbook of fifth graders of thel group 2 in different aspects were better than those of the control group which adopted traditional “didactic” instruction. With respect to their learning attitudes, the experimental group 1 had better performance in the aspects of “system operation” and “personal performance” than the experimental group 2, and there were significant differences between the two groups. In the aspect of group cooperation, students in the experimental groups held positive attitudes toward “personal performance evaluated by group members.” In addition, most students thought that the method of personal performance could help improve the participation of group members, elevate their willingness to learn, and inspire their discussion. Moreover, the method could make students with superior abilities help those with inferior abilities in the same group and reduce the situation of relying merely on others. Last but not least, in the feedback questionnaire, most students held positive attitudes toward and perspectives on the activity of “computer-supported game theory-based cooperative learning.”
Based on the study results and findings from on-site observation, the study proposed concrete suggestions on the instruction of summary writing with the computer-supported game theory-based cooperative learning to serve as references for future researches.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 3
第三節 研究範圍與限制 4
第四節 名詞解釋 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 摘要 7
壹、摘要的意涵 7
貳、摘要認知與策略 7
第二節 閱讀理解 9
壹、閱讀理解歷程 9
貳、閱讀理解模式 13
參、閱讀理解策略 15
第三節 合作學習 18
壹、合作學習 18
貳、合作學習的方法 23
第四節 賽局理論 27
壹、賽局理論(Game Theory)的定義 27
貳、囚徒困境 27
參、預防囚徒困境的發生 28
第五節 一對一數位學習 31
第三章 研究方法 33
第一節 研究設計 33
壹、研究設計模式 33
貳、研究變項 34
第二節 研究對象與環境 36
壹、受試者背景 36
貳、學生國語起始能力分析 36
參、研究對象分組規劃 37
肆、教室環境 37
第三節 研究流程 38
壹、研究準備階段 39
貳、研究設計階段 39
參、實驗驗證階段 39
肆、結果分析階段 40
第四節 研究工具 41
壹、摘要計分規準表(附錄一) 41
貳、國語科定期評量測驗卷(附錄三) 41
參、學習態度量表(附錄四) 41
肆、組內互評表(附錄五) 42
伍、組內互評回饋問卷(附錄六) 43
陸、HiTeach 互動教學系統 43
第五節 活動設計 46
壹、實驗組教學活動(附錄二) 46
貳、實驗組實驗步驟 49
第六節 資料處理與分析 50
壹、量化資料分析 50
貳、質性資料分析 51
第四章 研究結果 52
第一節 學習成就分析 52
壹、兩組摘要寫作學習成效分析 52
貳、國語定期評量成效分析 54
第二節 組內互評 55
壹、結果分析 55
第三節 學習態度量表分析 60
壹、系統操作 60
貳、合作學習 61
參、學習動機 62
肆、個人績效 63
伍、實驗組兩組學習態度之分析 64
第四節 組內互評回饋問卷分析 66
第五節 教學省思(附錄七) 73
第五章 結論與建議 77
第一節 結論 77
壹、學生摘要寫作能力提升 77
貳、國語科學習成效提升 78
參、學習態度正面影響 78
肆、組內互評的個人績效 78
第二節 建議 79
壹、未來後續研究之建議 79
貳、教學活動之建議 79
參、軟體設備之建議 79
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