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論文名稱(外文):The Investigation of Multilevel Relationships between Branding Culture and Brand Citizenship Behavior : The Mediating role of Person-brand Fit,Brand Psychological
外文關鍵詞:branding cultureperson-brand fitbrand psychological ownershipbrand citizenship behavior
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本研究以知名連鎖飯店為研究對象,對主管與第一線員工發放問卷,以了解不同層次之對象的想法,因此本研究採用跨層次分析方法(Hierarchical Linear Modeling)驗證品牌文化、品牌契合、品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為之跨層次關係。本次研究針對21家飯店發放問卷,主管發放315份回收有效問卷為173份(有效回收率55%),第一線員工發放525份回收有效問卷為345份(有效回收率66%)。分析結果發現:1.品牌文化正向影響品牌契合;2. 品牌文化正向影響品牌心理擁有感;3.品牌文化正向影響品牌公民行為; 4.品牌契合對品牌心理擁有感呈正向影響;5.品牌心理擁有感正向影響品牌公民行為;6.品牌契合對品牌公民行為呈正向影響;7. 品牌契合在品牌文化與品牌公民行之間具中介效果;8. 品牌心理擁有感在品牌文化與品牌公民行為間具中介效果。顯示品牌文化可讓員工產生正向品牌態度與品牌行為。本研究依此研究結果提出之結論、意涵、研究限制與未來研究,供日後實務界與後續研究之具體參考。
Under the flourishing of sightseeing, hotel economy has not only created output value but also enhanced the value of jobs in Taiwan; relatively increasing demand of human energy. Therefore, the most important issue: let employees generate positive attitudes and behavior of brand so that it can enhance the person-brand fit and brand psychological ownership between employee and branding culture, thus displaying the brand citizenship behavior. However, in the past literature, researches rarely explore the relationship between the branding culture, person-brand fit , brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior, which shows as an important research gap. This study is going to investigate the relationship between the various research variables.
This study collects data from the well-known hotels. Managers and front-line employees are required to fill in questionnaires to understand the idea of the different levels of the object. Therefore, this study used Hierarchical Linear Modeling to verify the branding culture, person-brand fit, brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior cross-hierarchical relationships among the variables. The study questionnaires for 21 hotels.There were 315 questionnaires distributed to the managers,173 of them were valid. There were 525 questionnaires distributed to the front-line-staffs 345 of them were valid.The analytical results include:1. Branding culture affects person-brand fit positively; 2.Branding culture affects brand psychological ownership positively; 3. Branding culture affects brand citizenship behavior positively; 4. Person-brand fit positively affects brand psychological ownership; 5. Brand psychological ownership positively affects brand citizenship behavior; 6. Person-brand fit positively affects brand citizenship behavior; 7. Person-brand fit mediates the relationship between branding culture and brand citizenship behavior; 8. Brand psychological ownership mediates the relationship between branding culture and brand citizenship behavior. Conclusion, suggestion, implication, limitation and future studies are discussed.
Implications of this study can be summarized as follows:1. The company may shape branding culture in order to make employees internalized brand values as their own values, thus enhancing their person-brand fit; 2. The company may make employees identify the culture and produce sense of belonging via branding culture; 3. By communicating brand culture with employees, the employees volunteer to show altruism; 4. The company can enhance employees’ person-brand fit so as to make the brand as their own brand by branding culture; 5. Employees with brand psychological ownership can generate a sense of belonging and produce positive work attitude, thus contributing to performance; 6.Company may make employees identify value of branding culture to generate the brand altruistic spirit and show the brands citizenship behavior by shaping branding culture; 7. From the relationships among branding culture, person-brand fit and brand citizenship behavior, when branding culture and employees are fit, the employees identify brand values and generate brand citizenship behavior, thus enhancing brand equity; 8. From relationships among branding culture, brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior, when employees consider the brand as their own brand, they show altruistic behavior.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 品牌文化 6
第二節 品牌契合 18
第三節 品牌心理擁有感 23
第四節 品牌公民行為 27
第五節 研究假說發展 33
第三章 研究方法 38
第一節 研究架構 38
第二節 研究對象 38
第三節 資料蒐集與限制 39
第四節 研究變項的操作型定義與測量工具 39
第五節 資料分析方法 45
第四章 研究結果 50
第一節 樣本敘述性統計分析. 50
第二節 研究變項的相關分析 53
第三節 虛無模式 55
第四節 跨層次分析結果 56
第五節 跨層次中介效果 58
第五章 結論與建議 59
第一節 假說成立表 59
第二節 討論與管理意涵 61
第三節 研究貢獻 63
第四節 實務上的建議 64
第五節 研究限制與未來研究方向 65
參考文獻 66
附錄 75
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