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中文關鍵詞:BDAE 華語版WAB 華語版覆誦語誤失語症類型病灶位置
外文關鍵詞:Mandarin version of BDAEMandarin version of WABrepetitionparaphasiaaphasia typeslesion sites
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本研究以 BDAE 華語版及 WAB 華語版中的覆誦測驗測試二十五位失語症患者,探討其失語症類型和病灶位置與語誤表現的關係。其失語症類型依BDAE 及 WAB 的測驗結果進行分類,其病灶位置由醫師依檢查結果做判別,分為左前、左後、左前後、皮質下四類。其語誤依 BDAE 華語版使用手冊上的分類分為音素型語誤、語義型語誤、無關型語誤、創新型語誤、亂語型語誤、及固持現象、連續重複的語誤。在音素型語誤部份又分成聲母、韻母、聲調部份,並細分為聲母取代、聲母刪減、聲母增添、韻母取代、韻母刪減、韻母增添、聲調取代等類別觀察之。
In this study, 25 aphasic subjects were tested with the Mandarin version of BDAE and WAB, in order to investigate the relations among their aphasia types and paraphasia observed in the repetition tests, as well as their lesion sites and paraphasia observed in the repetition tests. Their aphasia types were classified by their BDAE and WAB results. Their lesions sites (LA, LP, LAP, SC) were classified by the doctors according to their scan results and symptoms. The paraphasia behaviors observed in the repetition tests were categorized by the Mandarin version of BDAE as phonological paraphasia, semantic pharaphasia, neologistic paraphasia, jargon paraphasia, circumlocution , irrelevant and perseveration. Further, the phonological paraphasia were analyzed as syllabic initial consonants, rhymes, and tones.
The results show, across different aphasia types, the Anomic subjects were found with least paraphasia, and while the Broca’s with more phonological paraphasia, the Conduction’s and Anomic less phonological paraphasia. Besides, the Broca’s showed more perseveration, the Conduction’s more recurring syllables.
Concerning the lesion sites, the phonological paraphasia were found across different lesion sites. The subjects with left anterior lesions were found with more recurring syllables in their repetition tests, as the subjects with left anterior and posterior lesions were found with more neologistic paraphasia in their repetition tests
In the end, this study attempted to review their recovery tendency and focused on their repetition behaviors. Some common tendencies were speculated, based on their lesion sites and their scores of BDAE and WAB tests. Furthermore, some more statistical testings were conducted on their paraphasia behaviors by the groups seperated by their scores of oral expression, auditory comprehension, and repetition, and the statistical significance of auditory comprehension factor revealed its crucial role in repetition.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
謝詞 iii
章節目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4研究問題 3
1.5名詞釋義 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1語音層的錯誤類型 6
2.1.1語音層錯誤與病灶位置 8
2.1.2語音層錯誤與失語類型 10
2.2詞彙層語誤類型 10
2.2.1詞彙層語誤類型與病灶位置 12
2.2.2詞彙層語誤類型與失語類型 12
第三章 研究方法 15
3.1研究對象 15
3.2研究工具 15
3.2.1失語症測驗 15
3.2.2標音工具介紹 16
3.3語料轉錄 18
3.3.1語料整理 20
3.3.2語音層的聲韻調錯誤損害情形轉錄 20
3.3.3詞彙層的詞彙語誤轉錄 22
3.4語料初步轉錄結果 27
3.4.1 語音層的聲韻調錯誤轉錄結果 27
3.4.2 詞彙層語誤轉錄結果 28
第四章 失語類型分類探討 30
4.1 WAB的失語類型分類 30
4.2 BDAE的失語類型分類 33
4.3 BDAE分類II:仿WAB分類法 及結果比較 36
4.4 BDAE和WAB分項測驗比較 40
4.5影響理解能力一致性的一個來源 41
4.6. 小結 43
第五章 實驗結果 45
5.1失語類型與病灶分佈 45
5.2病灶與失語類型的語音層語誤 46
5.2.1.語音層錯誤的總體表現 46
5.2.2病灶別語音層錯誤分佈 49
5.2.3失語類型別語音層錯誤分佈 51
5.3病灶別與失語類型別的詞彙層語誤 55
5.3.1詞彙語誤類型的總體表現 55
5.3.2病灶別詞彙語誤分佈 56
5.3.3失語類型別詞彙語誤分佈 57
5.4其他特殊語言現象 64
5.4.1刻板言語 64
5.4.2時近效應 67
5.5個案討論 68
5.5.1 傳導型失語症 69
5.5.2 布洛卡型失語症 72
5.6 小結 76
第六章 討論 77
6.1癒後一致性及PCR能力移動圖 77
6.2 從病灶到PCR能力,再到部分縱向分析 84
6.3 從失語類型、PCR能力解讀病灶 86
6.4 以失語類型、病灶、PCR能力良劣檢定語音層、詞彙層語誤量 90
6.5 小結 96
第七章 結論 97
7.1 本論文的主要發現 97
7.2研究限制及未來研究方向 98
參考文獻 99
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