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外文關鍵詞:Anterior cruciate ligament injuries riskPrevention neuromuscular trainingGround reaction forceLower extremity isokinetic strength
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目的:比較增強式訓練(plyometric training, PT)結合肌力訓練(strength training, ST)與PT結合平衡訓練(Balance training, BT)組合訓練兩者間對改善ACL傷害風險之效益。方法:受試對象為大學各系女子籃球隊46位選手,以隨機分派分為PT+ST組(n=14)、PT+BT組(n=15)與控制組(C, n=17)。所有受試者皆規律進行每週1~3次,每次120分鐘的籃球專項訓練,實驗組則額外進行每次20分鐘,每週3次,連續6週的神經肌肉訓練組合。每位受試者皆以等速測力儀進行每秒60°/s、120°/s與240°/s的膝關節屈伸(extension, E & flexion, F)最大肌力峰值(peak torque strength, PTS)評估;垂直地面反作用力(ground reaction force, GRF)則是以AMTI三軸測力板進行雙腳之蹲踞跳(squat jump, SJ)與單腳急停跳躍(vertical stop jump, VSJ)評估,以相依樣本t檢定與單因子共變數分析訓練前後膝關節PTS與SJ/VSJ落地垂直/水平最大GRF之差異,顯著水準皆定為α= .05。結果:ST+PT組訓練前後能提升60°/s E/F、120°/s E/F與240°/s E/F的PTS與降低SJ/VSJ的GRF,BT+PT組能提升60°/s F、120°/s E/F與240°/s E/F的PTS,但SJ/VSJ的GRF皆無達顯著差異。而相較ST+PT組與ST+BT組之間在訓練後的所有角速度PTS與GRF表現則無達顯著差異。不過比較ST+PT組在SJ/VSJ的GRF表現以及60°/s F、120°/s E/F與240°/s E/F屈伸PTS皆與C組達顯著差異,而ST+BT組只有在VSJ的GRF以及120°/s E/F與240°/s E/F屈伸PTS與C組達顯著差異。結論:六週ST結合PT組合在改善ACL傷害風險之效益優於BT結合PT組合。
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of 6-weeks Between the two neuromuscular training programs. Forty-six college female basketball amateurs volunteered as participants. Subjects were randomly divided into two training groups (plyometric training, PT + strength training, ST, n=14 and PT+ Balance training, BT, n=15) and a control group (n=17). All the players were underwent regular basketball practicing, 120 minutes, 1~3 times per week for 6 weeks, but the PT+ST group and PT+BT group underwent extra NT combinations, 20 minutes, 3 times per week for 6 weeks during this period. The non-dominant leg knee extension/flexion (E/F) peak torque strength (PTS) was evaluated by the Biodex S4 at 60°/s、120°/s and 240°/s test in isokinetic concentric mode. The ground reaction force (GRF) was measured by AMTI force plate for single / foot of vertical stop jump (VSJ) and squat jump (SJ). Repeated measure t test and analysis of covariance was used to compare the different change between groups before and after training for each parameter, the statistic significance was set at α= .05. The results showed that 6 weeks PT+ST group can significant increased the non-dominant leg knee all angular velocity PTS, reduced the GRF in VSJ/SJ. PT+BT group can significant increased the non-dominant leg knee 60°/s F, 120°/s E/F and 240°/s E/F PTS, However there were no statistical differences in VSJ/SJ. There were no statistical differences between the experimental groups with regard to any posttraining parameters. In addition, a comparison of the two groups after training revealed that the PT+ST group had significantly higher PTS in 60°/s F, 120°/s E/F and 240°/s E/F, lower GRF in VSJ/SJ than the control group. But PT+BT group had significantly higher PTS only in 120°/s E/F and 240°/s E/F, lower GRF in VSJ. It was concluded that 6 weeks PT+ST NT programs was the most effective prevention anterior cruciate ligament injuries risk than the PT+BT NT programs.
目 次
第壹章 緒論….………………………………………………………………1
第一節 問題背景…...………………………...…………………………………1
第二節 研究目的…...………………………...…………………………………5
第三節 研究假設…...………………………...…………………………………6
第四節 研究範圍與限制…...………………...…………………………………6
第五節 操作性名詞定義解釋…...…………...…………………………………8

第貳章 文獻探討….…………………………………..……………………9
第一節 地面反作用力與ACL傷害風.................………………………………9
第二節 神經肌肉訓練的理論基礎……………...……….……………………12
第三節 神經肌肉訓練對ACL傷害預防的影響.……..............………………14
第四節 文獻總結……………….…………….....………..……………………16
第參章 研究方法與步驟….…………………………………………………17
第一節 研究架構….…………………………….……………………………17
第二節 研究對象…...…………………………………….……………………18
第三節 實驗日期與地點…...…………………………….……………………18
第四節 實驗設計…...……………………………………………………….…19
第五節 資料處理與分析…...…...……………………………………………31
第肆章 結果….………………………………………………………………32
第一節 各組的生理特徵….…………………….……………………………33
第二節 訓練前後各組的股四頭肌與腿後腱肌群肌力表現……..…………34
第三節 訓練前後各組跳躍落地之地面反作用力表現……….……….…54

第伍章 討論….………………………………………………………………55
第一節 預防性神經肌肉訓練….……………..….……………………………56
第二節 訓練前後不同組別下肢肌力表現的影響………………....…………61
第三節 訓練前後不同組別跳躍落地最大地面反作用力的影響…….…70
第陸章 結論與建議….………………………………………………………71
第一節 結論…………………….……………..….……………………………71
第二節 建議………………………………………………………....…………73
附錄一 組內迴歸係數同質性檢定摘要………………………………………81
附錄二 受試者須知同意書………………………………………....…………83
附錄三 受試者基本資料與運動傷害調查表……………………....…………84




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