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論文名稱(外文):The action research of an upper grades primary school teacher designing tasks to judge the truth and false of statements through mathematical conjecturing to develop students ability to refute arguments
外文關鍵詞:mathematical conjecturingconjecturerefutefalse statementmathematics professional development team
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:105
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:73
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This study is to describe the researchers designing mathematical conjecturing false statements to develop students’ ability to refute arguments and the teaching course of action, and the difficulties encountered in action and their solutions, and further explore the factors that teachers change their teaching strategies and the self-reflection course of instructors in the action process.
The researchers study the field in terms of his two consecutive taught upper grades. In addition to the researcher himself, participants also contain two classes of 61 students, as well as cross-school mathematics professional development team. Before entering teaching, the researchers based on literature, textbooks, and to discuss with critical friends, students’ misconceptions, etc., to design conjecturing statements and activities, and perform teaching. Teaching units includes: comparing fractions with different denominators, relationship between surface area and volume of a rectangular parallelepiped, rate comparison of speed.
During the study, the researcher used many ways like designing strategies of conjecturing statements, collecting and analyzing students' problem-solving records, classroom dialogue between teacher and students, writing teaching reflection diaries, and exchanging opinions with critical friends, etc., as the origin of action strategies. In addition, the researcher also attended "inter-school teachers mathematics professional development team", and through classroom observations and seminars, the researcher had a further understanding about students’ difficulties to refute and teaching strategies which could be adopted by teachers.
The research showed that students’ judgment to the false of statements is susceptible to the following effects: (1) Misjudged by the effect of positive examples provided in the statements. (2)For the false statement, couldn’t find positive examples but thought that there should be a positive example just not yet discovered. (3)Without verified that whether the conclusions after judgment are consistent with the conclusions of the original statement, the phenomenon seen during process treated as conclusions. When the researcher faces with the students’ learning difficulties, his coping strategies are: (1) Chang the questions given situation. (2) Class discusses and communicates.
Finally, for teacher’s instruction and future researches this research suggested that, in teacher’s instruction: (1) Guide students in refuting, whether true or false statement, students should be required to reference positive examples and counter examples simultaneously, and then obtain the final conclusions. (2) Students performing mathematical conjecturing tasks should have the following steps: a. Record the problem to be solved. b. Perform the process. c. Back to the statement and narrate the final conclusion. And in future researches: If it is a false statement, how to guide students to make amendments to the statement? Doing studies related on students’ conjecturing unknown results of questions of refuting.
第壹章緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 2
第三節 名詞解釋 2
第貳章文獻探討 5
第一節 臆測、邏輯推理的重要性 5
第二節 演繹推理的理論分析 9
第三節數學臆測、論證與任務設計 13
第叁章研究方法 23
第一節 研究情境 24
第二節 研究架構與期程 30
第三節 研究資料的蒐集與分析 33
第四節 研究效度 36
第肆章 研究歷程 39
第一節異分母分數比較大小臆測教學的行動歷程 39
第二節聚焦在辨別真偽命題臆測任務設計之論證反駁教學探討 78
第伍章行動後的結論與建議 95
第一節 行動後的結論 96
第二節 對未來研究的建議 104
參考文獻 105
壹、中文部分 105
貳、英文部分 108
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