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作者(外文):Liou, Fong-Lu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Learning Effectiveness on the AR Campus Butterfly Ecological System
外文關鍵詞:virtual butterfly Gardenbutterfly ecologydigital game-based learningaugmented realityInquiry teaching
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  • 點閱點閱:35
  • 評分評分:*****
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As we live in an era that knowledge and information changes so rapidly. The principle in primary and secondary natural science education is gearing toward training students with the ability to design and setup a research by themselves. The elementary and high school students usually tend to have great interest in insects. Therefore, observing the life cycle of insects makes the best research materials for young kids. Due to the fact that Taiwan has a wide variety of butterfly species, which are holometabolous insects, butterflies become a suitable research material among all insects.
However, it requires a lot of labor and money to operate a real butterfly garden, which requires special temperature and humidity for butterflies to live in and results in extreme difficulty for its maintenance. Nowadays, the technology of augmented reality (AR) has the ability to combine the real environment with virtual objects to produce a higher degree of user immersion effect. There are many cases on educational applications. Since many campuses have a lot of plants and nectar for butterflies, these resources can be use as a part of AR teaching materials.
In this study, we use campus butterfly ecology learning system as our research base, and design a GPS coordinate system and online quizzes to go with the package. Using the AR technology with Global Positioning System (GPS), the system allows virtual butterflies to match with real outdoor environments on campus to provide students with immersive learning and relative knowledge about butterflies. By online quizzes, the instructor has the ability to modify the questions, so that students have the chance to contact with butterfly related issues more extensively. At the same time, adding in some gaming elements, such as collecting butterflies cards and money ranking, will encourage students to take the initiative to explore and learn. We use experimental research in this study to analyze the learning effectiveness under two different learning environments: the real butterfly garden and virtual butterfly ecology learning system.
The study shows that the butterfly ecology learning system has a significant teaching effectiveness on students’ learning. It has better teaching results than the real butterfly garden learning group. After analyzing the database of leaning effectiveness and the quiz answer rate, it shows that online quizzes help students to learn better. Through after-learning survey, it shows that online ranking prompted students to attempt online quizzes, and also provides positive competition among their peers.
中文摘要 I
內容 IV
表次 VI
圖次 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究限制 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 蝴蝶生態與自然科教學 3
第二節 擴增實境 4
一、 擴增實境定義 4
二、 擴增實境顯示方式 5
三、 擴增實境應用於教育上的例子 6
第三節 數位遊戲式學習(Game-based learning) 7
第四節 探究式教學 12
第五節 學習風格 14
第三章 系統規劃與實作 16
第一節 開發環境與工具 16
第二節 系統設計 17
一、 系統模組 17
二、 系統架構 18
第三節 系統流程圖 19
一、 系統整體流程圖 19
二、 教師座標設定系統 23
三、 線上題庫更新系統 24
第四節 系統介面與功能操作 25
一、 系統操作起始 25
二、 使用者列表功能 26
三、 虛擬蝴蝶園 27
四、 戶外植物區 28
五、 教師座標設定系統 30
六、 線上題庫更新 31
第五節 系統新增與修改 33

第四章 研究方法 35
第一節 研究對象 35
第二節 研究架構與流程 35
一、 研究架構 36
二、 施測流程 38
第三節 實驗活動設計 39
第四節 研究工具 40
第五章 結論與建議 41
第一節 實驗結果 41
一、 學習成就評量前測資料分析 41
二、 學習成就評量前後測資料分析 42
三、 學習成就差異之分析 44
四、 線上答題 48
五、 學習風格 48
六、 實驗觀察與訪談 53
第二節 結論 56
第三節 未來展望 57
參考文獻 58
中文文獻 58
英文文獻 60
附件1蝴蝶概念學習成就測驗前測 61
附件2 蝴蝶學習單 64
附件3結合5E教學法融入昆蟲與蝴蝶生態之概念學習教案設計 66
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