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作者(外文):Aoi Aoi Chen
論文名稱(外文):Children's perception on student-teacher relationship and school adjustment in two areas - Hsinchu and Selangor
外文關鍵詞:childrenperceptionstudent-teacher relationshipschool adjustment
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四、 雪蘭莪州中班男、女生皆覺知老師較常表現親密性和支持性關係,大班男、女生皆覺知老師較常表現衝突性行為;新竹市大班男生則覺知老師較常表現忽略性行為。

The purpose of this study was to investigate children’s perception and their school adjustment among 302 Chinese children in Hsinchu, Taiwan and Selangor, Malaysia. This study has designed two questionnaires ‘Children’s perception on student-teacher relationship’ and ‘Children school adjustment’ as a research tool. Furthermore, these instruments were employed to explore gender, age and area differences in the association between student-teacher relationship and school adjustment. The measure data was analyzed and discussed by statistics method such as descriptive analysis, t test, Pearson correlation coefficient and Pearson’s R test.

The findings were as follows:
1. In generally, the children felt that the teachers care about them, but had less time to talk with them. Hsinchu’s children felt be more ignored in the relationship with their teachers, Selangor’s children felt more closeness and supportive relationship with their teachers.
2. There were gender differences in the children’s perception on student-teacher relationship. Boys felt more conflict relationship with their teachers.
3. There were age differences in the children’s perception on student-teacher relationship. Hsinchu 6-year old children felt more supportive relationship with their teachers, Selangor 5-year old children felt more closeness and supportive relationship with their teachers but Selangor 6-year old children felt more conflict relationship with their teachers.
4. Selangor 5-year old boys and girls felt more closeness and supportive relationship with their teachers, Selangor 6-year old boys and girls felt more conflict relationship with their teachers. However, Hsinchu 6-year old boys felt be more ignored in the relationship with their teachers.
5. In generally, children were showing a good school adjustment, especially having more positive attitude towards school.
6. There were gender differences in children school adjustment. Girls were better in ‘learning adaption’, ‘rule and regulation adaptation’ and ‘school attitude’ than boys; however, boys were better in ‘peer adaptation’ than girls.
7. There were age differences in Hsinchu and Selangor children school adjustment. Hsinchu 6-year old boys were better in ‘learning adaptation than 5-year old boys, Selangor 5-year old boys were better in ‘overall school adjustment’ than 6-year old boys.
8. Hsinchu and Selangor 5-year old boys showed significant differences in school adjustment. Hsinchu and Selangor boys at age 6 had reached a significant difference in ‘learning adaptation’ and ‘rule and regulation adaptation’.
9. Closeness and support in the student-teacher relationship had positively correlated with children school adjustment, however conflict in the student-teacher relationship had negatively correlated with children school adjustment.
10. Closeness, support and conflict in the student-teacher relationship were able to predict with children school adjustment.

Based on these findings, implications for kindergarten, teachers and future research are suggested.
目 錄

第一章 緒論 1
 第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
 第三節 研究目的與問題 5
 第四節 名詞釋義 6

第二章 文獻探討 9
 第一節 台灣與馬來西亞幼教背景概述 9
 第二節 師生關係 12
 第三節 幼兒覺知師生關係 21
 第四節 學校適應 28
第五節 師生關係與學校適應之相關研究 40

第三章 研究方法 49
第一節 研究架構 49
 第二節 研究範圍與對象 50
 第三節 研究工具 51
 第四節 研究程序 62
第五節 資料整理 65
第四章 研究結果 67
第一節 新竹市幼兒覺知師生關係的現況 67
第二節 雪蘭莪州幼兒覺知師生關係的現況 76
 第三節 不同背景變項與幼兒覺知師生關係之現況 85
 第四節 新竹市幼兒學校適應之現況 103
第五節 雪蘭莪州幼兒學校適應之現況 112
 第六節 不同背景變項與幼兒學校適應之現況 121
 第七節 幼兒覺知師生關係與學校適應之相關與預測分析 137
 第八節 綜合討論 140

第五章 結論與建議 153
第一節 結論 153
 第二節 建議 156

參考文獻 159
附錄一 173
附錄二 175
附錄三 177

表 次
表2-4-1 國內外學校適應之向度比較 34
表3-2-1  本研究抽樣幼兒園數及有效樣本人數總表 50
表3-2-2  新竹市與雪蘭莪州幼兒之年級與性別分布表 51
表3-3-1  幼兒覺知師生關係預試問卷項目分析結果 55
表3-3-2  幼兒學校適應預試問卷項目分析結果 56
表3-3-3  幼兒覺知師生關係預試問卷因素分析結果 57
表3-3-4  幼兒學校適應預試問卷因素分析結果 58
表3-3-5  幼兒覺知師生關係預試問卷信度分析結果 59
表3-3-6  幼兒學校適應預試問卷之信度分析結果 59
表3-3-7  幼兒覺知師生關係與學校適應正式問卷題數 60
表4-1-1  新竹市幼兒覺知師生關係的概況表 68
表4-1-2  新竹市幼兒覺知師生關係之次數分配摘要表 70
表4-1-3  新竹市不同性別幼兒覺知師生關係之次數分析摘要表 72
表4-1-4  新竹市不同性別幼兒覺知師生關係之t考驗分析摘要表 73
表4-1-5  新竹市不同年齡幼兒覺知師生關係之次數分配摘要表 75
表4-1-6  新竹市不同年齡幼兒覺知師生關係之t檢定摘要表 76
表4-2-1  雪蘭莪州幼兒覺知師生關係的概況表 77
表4-2-2  雪蘭莪州幼兒覺知師生關係之次數分配摘要表 79
表4-2-3  雪蘭莪州不同性別幼兒覺知師生關係之次數分配摘要表 81
表4-2-4  雪蘭莪州不同性別幼兒覺知師生關係之t考驗分析摘要表 82
表4-2-5  雪蘭莪州不同年齡幼兒覺知師生關係之次數分配摘要表 84
表4-2-6  雪蘭莪州不同年齡幼兒覺知師生關係之t檢定摘要表 85
表4-3-1  幼兒覺知師生關係的概況表 86
表4-3-2  幼兒覺知師生關係次數分配摘要表. 88
表4-3-3  不同地區幼兒覺知師生關係之次數分配摘要表 91
表4-3-4  不同地區幼兒覺知師生關係之t檢定摘要表 92
表4-3-5  不同性別幼兒覺知師生關係之次數分配摘要表 94
表4-3-6  不同性別幼兒覺知師生關係之t考驗分析摘要表 95
表4-3-7  不同年齡幼兒覺知師生關係之次數分配摘要表 98
表4-3-8  不同年齡幼兒覺知師生關係之t檢定摘要表 99
表4-3-9  不同地區中班男生覺知師生關係之t檢定摘要表 100
表4-3-10 不同地區大班男生幼兒覺知師生關係的t檢定摘要表 101
表4-3-11 不同地區中班女生幼兒覺知師生關係之t檢定摘要表 102
表4-3-12 不同地區大班女生幼兒覺知師生關係之t檢定摘要表 103
表4-4-1  新竹市幼兒學校適應的概況表 104
表4-4-2  新竹市幼兒學校適應各題項內容的次數分配摘要表 106
表4-4-3  新竹市不同性別幼兒學校適應之次數分配摘要表 108
表4-4-4  新竹市不同性別幼兒學校適應之t檢定摘要表 109
表4-4-5  新竹市不同年齡幼兒學校適應之次數分配摘要表 111
表4-4-6  新竹市不同年齡幼兒學校適應之t檢定摘要表 112
表4-5-1  雪蘭莪州幼兒學校適應的概況表 113
表4-5-2  雪蘭莪州幼兒學校適應次數分配摘要表 115
表4-5-3  雪蘭莪州不同性別幼兒學校適應之次數分配摘要表 117
表4-5-4  雪蘭莪州不同性別幼兒學校適應之t檢定摘要表 118
表4-5-5  雪蘭莪州不同年齡幼兒學校適應之次數分配摘要表 120
表4-5-6  雪蘭莪州不同年齡幼兒學校適應之t檢定摘要表 121
表4-6-1  幼兒學校適應的概況表 122
表4-6-2  幼兒學校適應之次數分配摘要表 123
表4-6-3  不同地區與幼兒學校適應之次數分配摘要表 126
表4-6-4  不同地區幼兒學校適應之t檢定摘要表 127
表4-6-5  不同性別幼兒學校適應之次數分配摘要表 129
表4-6-6  不同性別幼兒學校適應的之t檢定摘要表 130
表4-6-7  不同年齡幼兒學校適應次數分配摘要表 132
表4-6-8  不同年齡幼兒學校適應之t檢定摘要表 133
表4-6-9  新竹市和雪蘭莪州中班男生幼兒學校適應之t檢定摘要表 134
表4-6-10 新竹市和雪蘭莪州大班男生幼兒學校適應之t檢定摘要表 135
表4-6-11 新竹市和雪蘭莪州中班女生幼兒學校適應之t檢定摘要表 136
表4-6-12 新竹市和雪蘭莪州大班女生幼兒學校適應的t檢定摘要表137
表4-7-1  幼兒覺知師生關係與學校適應之積差相關結果 139

圖 次
圖2-4-1 幼兒覺知師生關係與學校適應行為關係 40
圖3-1-1 研究架構 51
圖3-4-1 研究流程圖 66

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