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作者(外文):Yi-Fang Lu
論文名稱(外文):Time for Story: Infant and Toddler Groups’ Shared Reading Activities
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, M. F.
外文關鍵詞:group shared readinginfants and toddlersstorytelling strategiesreader response
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This research aimed to present infant and toddler group reading activities from within two reading associations holding different philosophies (typical reading and the dialogic reading), as well as to explore the implications of the storytellers using storytelling strategies, the reasons why they used these strategies, and the responses of participating infants and toddlers. The participants included the director of two reading associations, four storytellers, and six toddlers and their parents. Data collection comprised observations over a five-month period and interviews with all participants.
The association emphasizing the typical reading style stressed the input of written language, and therefore, the storytellers chose picture books in which the text layout was repetitive, symmetrical, and variable. They intended to read aloud the original text word by word, read the same picture book repetitively, and create a situation where infants and toddlers could be helped to understand the story context. In this way, the infants and toddlers would learn the language by listening to stories. At the same time, the storytellers also changed their tones and voices, adjusted story paragraphs, and invited parents to help their children concentrate on the reading activities. Under such a type of reading environment, the oral responses of the infants and toddlers included speaking vocabulary learned from picture books they read in their daily life, following the storytellers in speaking the last words of the text, and speaking vocabulary words related to the picture books. The nonverbal responses of infants and toddlers included making actions relevant to the picture books, tracing the pictures in the books with their eyes, and making movements by imitating the storytellers’ actions.
By contrast, the association emphasizing dialogic reading style highlighted reading comprehension. Therefore, in order to enhance reading comprehension among infants and toddlers, the storytellers tended to read the stories by illustrating the pictures presented in the books and asking questions to promote discussion based on cues from the pictures. Because of the constraints presented by the children’s development characteristics and external environmental factors, the responses of the infants and toddlers included describing events associated with the stories, focusing on the picture books, approaching the books and pointing to the pictures, and walking around with the books. The following conclusions were reached: (1) the different story-reading philosophies between the two associations led to distinctive group reading activities among infants and toddlers. (2) The various responses of the infants and toddlers to the reading activities revealed the significance of early shared reading. (3) The qualitative data showed the unique features of infants and toddlers’ group reading activities. Based on the findings, the study provided recommendations to parents and practitioners, as well as stated future research directions.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 6
第三節 名詞釋義 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 早期共讀的重要性 9
第二節 共讀的策略 18
第三節 嬰幼兒的閱讀行為 30
第三章 研究方法 37
第一節 個案研究法 37
第二節 研究場域 39
第三節 研究參與者 48
第四節 研究歷程 57
第五節 我的研究角色與研究倫理 76
第四章 飛翔協會嬰幼兒團體共讀課程之樣貌 79
第一節 一堂典型的嬰幼兒團體共讀課程 79
第二節 故事老師共讀策略之使用與考量因素 88
第五章 森林協會嬰幼兒團體共讀活動之樣貌 137
第一節 一堂典型的嬰幼兒團體共讀活動 137
第二節 故事老師共讀策略之使用與考量因素 143
第六章 綜合討論 167
第一節 兩個閱讀協會的共讀特色 167
第二節 嬰幼兒對不同共讀方式反應的差異性 170
第三節 故事老師在不同共讀類型下所面臨的挑戰 178
第七章 結論與建議 189
第一節 研究重要發現 189
第二節 結論 192
第三節 建議 195
後記 就讓故事說下去 201
第一節 我對說故事觀點的轉變 201
第二節 收穫之後,與人分享 202
第三節 回到說故事現場 202
參考文獻 205
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