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作者(外文):Hau-Cheng Wen
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Phonics and K. K. Phonetic Symbols on Vocational High School EFL Low-Achievers’ Vocabulary Learning
指導教授(外文):Chin-Wen Chien
外文關鍵詞:K.K. Phonetic Symbols,PhonicsVocabulary LearningVocational High School
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二、 經過實驗教學後,字母拼讀法加K.K.音標與K.K.音標對高職英文低成就學生在字彙的學習與英文學習的感受和態度上均有正面影響。
三、 高職英文低成就學生對於字母拼讀法加K.K.音標與K.K.音標的課程均抱持
關鍵詞: K.K.音標、字母拼讀法、字彙學習、高職
While the effects of phonics and K.K. phonetic symbols have long been extensively probed and discussed; however, their effects on Vocational High School (VHS) students’ vocabulary learning, particularly in spoken and written forms, are relatively rare. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effects of phonics and K.K. phonetic symbols on VHS EFL low-achievers’ vocabulary learning, particularly the effects on their spoken and written vocabulary as well as their perception of and attitude toward the integration of phonic and K.K. phonetic symbols.
The study was conducted at a VHS in Miaoli City, Taiwan and 63 students from six remedial classes were selected based on purposive sampling. Being separated into two groups randomly, the experimental group and the control group, all subjects attended the twelve-period (50 minutes each) pronunciation program in July, 2014. While 31 subjects in the experimental group were instructed in the integration of phonics and K.K. phonetic symbols, 32 in the control group were taught K.K. phonetic symbols. Data in the study included subjects’ scores in pre- and post- tests and responses in pre- and post- questionnaires. Three statistical methods, one-way ANCOVA, descriptive statistics, and paired sample t-test were utilized
The major findings of the experimental study are : (a) the effects of the integration of phonics and K.K. phonetic symbols on VHS EFL low-achievers’
spoken and written English vocabulary are not significantly different from the instruction of K.K. phonetic symbols; (b) both phonic plus K.K. phonetic symbols and K.K. phonetic symbols have a positive effect on VHS EFL low-achievers’ perception of and attitude toward vocabulary learning in terms of spoken and written forms as well as English learning; and (c) VHS EFL low-achievers show an affirmative perception of and attitude toward the integration of phonics plus K.K. phonetic symbols and K.K. phonetic symbols instruction. On the basis of the findings of the research, the author proposes some pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies at the end of the present study.
Keywords: K.K. Phonetic Symbols, Phonics, Vocabulary Learning, Vocational High School
Research Background 1
Motivation 4
Purpose 8
Research Questions 8
Significance of the Study 9
Definition of Key Terms 10
Vocational High School Students’ English Learning 15
Vocabulary Learning and Language Acquisition 18
Pronunciation in English Learning and Teaching 22
Phonics Instruction and Learning 25
K. K. Phonetic Symbols and Vocabulary Learning 29
Previous and Current Uses of Phonics and K.K. Phonetic Symbols in Taiwan 30
Research Setting and Participants 44
Data Collection Strategies 46
Research Procedures 51
Date Analysis 54
Participants’ Overall Performance 55
Participants’ Responses in Overall Questionnaires 59
Open-Ended Question in the Post-Questionnaire 68
Discussion 69
Summary of Major Findings 78
Limitations of the Study 79
Pedagogical Implications 80
Suggestions for Further Studies 81
Appendix A: Lesson Plan for Students in the Experimental Group 94
Appendix B: Lesson Plan for Students in the Control Group
Appendix C: High-Frequency Vocabulary from TVE Joint College Entrance Examination 100
Appendix D: Pretest 103
Appendix E: Posttest 104
Appendix F: Pre-Questionnaire in Chinese 105
Appendix G: Pre-Questionnaire in English 107
Appendix H: Post-Questionnaire in Chinese 110
Appendix I : Post-Questionnaire in English 112
Appendix J: Verbatim Account of the Open-Ended Question in Chinese 115
Appendix K: Verbatim Account of the Open-Ended Question in English 119
Appendix L: Frequencies and Percentages of all Subjects’ Responses to
Each Item after the Treatment 123
Appendix M: Frequencies and Percentages of Subjects’ Responses to Each Item after the Treatment in the Experimental Group 125
Appendix N: Frequencies and Percentages of Subjects’ Responses to
Each Item after the Treatment in the Control Group 127
Appendix O: Frequencies and Percentages of Subjects’ learning Experience 129
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