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外文關鍵詞:CSL learnersword identificationword training
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詞空格在英文書寫系統中,具有區別詞之間的作用,然而中文的書寫系統,則是以字作為區隔,在缺乏詞界線的情況下,讀者必須通過上下文,從一連串的漢字當中,找尋符合語意的詞,進而完成斷詞的歷程。此一歷程,對許多以華語作為第二語言的學習者(CSL)而言,存在一定的困難。以往研究,嘗試在中文閱讀中,加入詞間空格或詞界線,幫助CSL學習者更有效地進行詞彙的辨識,以提升閱讀的成效 (Everson,1986;Shen, Liversedge, Tian, Zang, Cui, Bai, Yan & Rayner, 2012)。雖然部分結果顯示增加詞間空格可以幫助讀者閱讀理解,然詞間空格的輔助,無法貼切於真實的華文閱讀。

Word space is used in English writing system and spaces appear to be a major aid to identify word. However, written Chinese is just a series of characters and word boundary is not indicated by a space, which introduced complication for low-level linguistic process during reading. Word segment is essential process during low-level reading of Chinese sentences. It’s difficult for CSL learner to exactly understand different between Chinese characters and word. Everson (1986) and Shen et al.(2012) investigated whether adding space would facilitate Chinese reading. Although the result demonstrated adding space improved Chinese reading performance, it is unnatural in real Chinese reading.
The aim of this study was to examine whether word salience training improve CSL’s word identification and raise high-level reading efficiency. Thirty-five new immigrants participated this study. All participants were randomly divided two groups: 18 CSL learners whose were word training group and 16 CSL learners whose were character training group. Three types of instruments were developed for date collection: pre-test (Chinese character cognition ability), 3 weeks training session (character accuracy and reading time), post test (reading comprehension and fluency).
1.Training session: the current study showed that participants have significant improvement on accuracy and reading time.
2.Post test: the current study indicated reading comprehension was significant difference in participant character cognition ability but there is no significant difference between groups. However, reading fluency was significant in different group and “word group” is faster than “character group”.
1.Word salience training not only increase word concept of learners but also to speed up brain reaction time through word meaning.
2.Word salience training made learners gradually develop rules of word and generalize to new word.
The finding of the current study suggests that word salience training is more efficient to Chinese reading fluency performance and it help word identification to achieve automation and accuracy. This result also suggests that word salience training is maybe useful to attain high-level reading comprehension, however this conclusion need to be further investigation.
目次 i
表次 iii
致謝 iv
摘要 v
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 漢語字、詞素、詞的特性 6
第二節 中文詞彙辨識歷程的相關研究 10
第三節 中文斷詞的現象 14
第四節 閱讀流暢的訓練 21
第三章 研究方法 28
第一節 研究對象 28
第二節 實驗材料與設備 29
第三節 研究設計 30
第四節 實驗程序 31
第五節 資料分析 32
第四章 實驗結果 34
第一節 訓練階段 34
第二節 後測階段 37
第三節 討論 41
第五章 結論與建議 46
第一節 結論 46
第二節 建議 48
參考文獻 50
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