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論文名稱(外文):LC3A, an autophagy mediator, regulates cancer cell plasticity.
外文關鍵詞:LC3Aautophagylung cancermitochondria
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Lung cancer is the leading cause of neoplasia-related morbidity and now ranks as the first cause of cancer-associated death in Taiwan. Metastasis has been attributed as the main cause of high mortality rate in lung cancer during cancer progression; however, the role of autophagy, a self-degradative metabolic process, in cancer metastasis is elusive. In this study, we found that LC3A, a key molecule involved in autophagy, was highly expressed in lung adenocarcinoma but reversely correlated with metastatic potential. To understand the role of LC3A in oncogenesis of lung cancer, LC3A was knocked down in LC3A-positive lung cancer cells, followed by various functional assays. We observed that LC3A-silencing caused G1/S cell cycle arrest, leading to the decreased cell proliferation. Pharmacological inhibition of autophagy with chloroquine attenuated cell growth in LC3A-positive lung cancer cells, indicating the involvement of LC3A in cell proliferation. Intriguingly, long-term treatment of LC3A-positive lung cancer cells with chloroquine endowed cells with the chloroquine resistance and increased migration and invasion abilities while cell proliferation, barrier properties and LC3A expression were decreased in these resistant cells. Consistently, long-term silencing of LC3A enhanced migration and invasion in lung cancer cells, indicating a negative interplay between LC3A-mediated autophagy and cancer cell invasion. Correlation analysis showed that LC3A expression was associated with SOX2 levels in primary lung adenocarcinoma. Ectopic expression of SOX2 enhanced LC3A levels whereas LC3A knockdown attenuated SOX2 expression, suggesting the presence of a positive feedback loop between LC3A and SOX2. We found that LC3A-high/fast-proliferating cells contained higher oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and released more reactive oxygen species (ROS) compared to their LC3A-low/slow-proliferating counterparts. Long-term silencing of LC3A inhibited OCR, demonstrating the participation of LC3A-mediated autophagy in regulation of mitochondrial activity. Immunofluorescence imaging with antibodies against TOM20 revealed that the fragmented phenotype of mitochondria is dominant in LC3A-high/fast-proliferating lung cancer cells, indicating a high mitochondrial fission process in these cells. These findings support the notion that LC3A-mediated autophagy regulates mitochondrial activity and determines cancer plasticity with the potential to serve as a predictive biomarker for lung cancer progression.
摘要 3
Abstract 4
致謝 6
Introduction 7
Lung cancer 7
Autophagy 7
SOX2 signaling 8
Mitochondria 9
Study aims 10
Materials and Methods 12
Cell Culture 12
Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) 12
Quantitative Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (Q-PCR) 12
Cell Proliferation Assay 13
Clonogenic Analysis 14
Doubling time 14
Lentiviral Infection 14
Immunoblotting 15
Immunofluorescence Staining 15
TCGA and GEO database statistics 16
Electric Cell-substrate Impedance Sensor (ECIS) Analysis 17
Live Cell Migration Assay 17
Matrigel Invasion Assay 17
Flow Cytometry Analysis 18
Measurement of mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate 18
Results 20
LC3A is highly expressed in lung adenocarcinoma, correlating with metastatic-free survival. 20
LC3A regulates cell growth. 20
LC3A levels affect cancer plasticity 21
SOX2 regulates LC3A expression. 23
Autophagy regulates oxygen consumption and ROS release. 23
Discussion 25
Figure 28
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