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作者(外文):Chen, Hong I
論文名稱(中文):WNT3A可藉由增加BDNF, KLF7以及GAP43的表現量來促進皮質神經細胞的再生
論文名稱(外文):WNT3A promotes regeneration of cortical neurons in part through increasing expression of BDNF, KLF7 and GAP43
指導教授(外文):Chen, Linyi
外文關鍵詞:regeneration of cortical neuronsWNT3A
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Regeneration of injured brain neurons remains to be a challenging medical issue. The inability of injured neurons to regenerate is mainly attributed to an inhibitory environment and poor intrinsic growth capacity. Better understanding of the neuronal regeneration mechanism would help the development of clinical treatment for brain injury. In this thesis, I have found that the expression level of WNT3A was increased during regeneration of injured embryonic day 18 cortical neurons. Treating injured cortical neurons with WNT3A effectively promotes neuronal regeneration. Three candidate target genes of WNT3A signaling, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Krüppel-like factor 7 and growth associated protein 43, were identified. In addition, 3D brain slice culture was used to mimic the in vivo environment of brain and evaluate the role of WNT3A in neuronal regeneration.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
Index vii
Abbreviations ix
Introduction 1
Axonal regeneration in the peripheral nervous system 1
Axonal regeneration in the central nervous system 3
WNT signaling pathways 5
Krüppel-like factor 7 (KLF7) 8
Materials and Methods 10
Antibodies and reagents 10
Animal handling. Ethics statement 11
Primary cortical neurons culture 11
Experimental injury model 12
Analysis of neurite re-growth 13
Total RNA extraction and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 13
Real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) 13
Protein extraction and western blotting 14
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis 15
Immunofluorescence staining 16
Brain slices culture 16
Immunofluorescence staining protocol for brain slices 17
Statistical analysis 17
Results 18
Neurite re-growth of primary cortical neurons after injury 18
Expression level of WNT3A was increased during regeneration 18
Treatment of WNT3A promotes neurite re-growth of injured cortical neurons 19
WNT3A activates signal transduction cascades through canonical WNT/β-catenin dependent pathway in cortical neurons 19
WNT3A promotes neurite re-growth in part through increasing the expression of BDNF and KLF7 20
WNT3A promotes neurite re-growth in part through increasing expression of GAP43 22
Neuronal regeneration of brain slice culture 22
Disscussion 24
Reference 27
Figures 38
Figure 1. Neurite re-growth of primary cortical neurons after injury 40
Figure 2. Expression level of WNT3A during neuronal regeneration 41
Figure 3. Treatment of WNT3A in injured cortical neurons 43
Figure 4. Protein levels of pGSK-3β and β-catenin after pre-treating WNT3A in injured cortical neurons 44
Figure 5. WNT3A promotes neurite re-growth in part through increasing expression of BDNF 45
Figure 6. Expression level of KLF7 in injured cortical neurons after pre-treating WNT3A 46
Figure 7. Expression level of GAP43 in injured cortical neurons after pre-treating WNT3A 47
Figure 8. Working model 48
Figure 9. Observation of neuronal regeneration in brain slice culture 51
Figure 10. Superarray analysis and RNA-sequencing data 52
Figure 11. WNT10A promotes neurite re-growth 53
Figure 12. KLF6 may be a target gene of WNT3A 54
Figure 13. Expression level of TrkB in injured cortical neurons after pre-treating WNT3A 55

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