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作者(外文):Huang, Po Wei
論文名稱(外文):Forecasting Online Restaurant Bookings: The Value of Bookings Data to Service Providers and Booking Platforms
指導教授(外文):Galit Shmueli
口試委員(外文):Soumya Ray
Sin CY
外文關鍵詞:ForecastingOnline restaurant bookingsComplex seasonality
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  • 點閱點閱:587
  • 評分評分:*****
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Online bookings are major inputs to modern local businesses. Accurate forecasts of online booking demand are crucial for service providers to provide better customer services and allocate resources more efficiently. We develop a forecasting procedure for forecasting time series of weekly online restaurant bookings, using data from EZTABLE, the biggest online booking platform in southeast Asia. Because restaurant demand is greatly impacted by holidays and other special occasions, we study different possibilities of capturing such information to achieve accurate forecasts on non-special periods. The literature on forecasting bookings is mostly about hotel reservations, where the time series of bookings for each hotel are considered separately. We develop a method that is useful for platforms that have data on many service providers (such as many restaurants or hotels). In particular, we generate forecasts for each restaurant’s reservations by creating models that use data from other restaurants. We focus on how to identify special weeks so that they can be modeled separately, and use different approaches to solve challenges that arise in forecasting weekly reservations data for many restaurants in the presence of unusual demand on special weeks. These challenges include the weekly frequency of forecasting, complex seasonality, and restaurant strategies. We develop and compare several approaches, including using calendar dates, using historic data from a single restaurant, and learning from multiple restaurants.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Data and analytics usage by online platforms 2
1.3 Research question 3
1.4 Case Study: Forecasting online restaurant bookings 3
Chapter 2 Forecasting Booking Demand 7
2.1 Forecasting methods for bookings 7
2.2 Definition of booking date and reservation date 10
Chapter 3 Challenges of Forecasting Weekly Booking Demand 12
3.1 Frequency of forecasting: The challenge of weekly data 12
3.2 Complex seasonality: The challenge of dual-calendar 13
3.3 Restaurant strategy: The challenge of setting online booking capacity 14
Chapter 4 Visualization and Preparation 15
4.1 The forecasting tools: Modeling and visualization 15
4.2 Data preprocessing 16
Chapter 5 Approaches of Forecasting Reservation Demand 19
5.1 Training set 19
5.2 Independent restaurant approach 19
5.3 Dependent restaurant approach 23
Chapter 6 Comparison of Independent and Dependent Approaches 30
Chapter 7 Directions 38
References 40
Appendices 42
A.1 R code for two-step model 42
A.2 R code for non-holiday series 43
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