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作者(外文):Hsieh, Hsiang Yen
論文名稱(外文):Spam Calls Analysis Using Classification and Social Network Analysis
指導教授(外文):Wang, Jyun Cheng
口試委員(外文):Wang, Chen Ya
Chiang, Cheng Hsin
外文關鍵詞:spam callfraud callharassed callmarketing callclassification treelogistic regressionsocial network analysis
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惡意電話在現實世界中層出不窮,根據調查就台灣而言,平均每月台灣人浪費 15 萬小時講惡意電話,主要包含了詐騙電話、騷擾電話與行銷電話,而每年因為詐騙電話所造成的損失就超過了37億台幣。然而過去的研究都只針對偵測惡意電話,不去探究其是否為嚴重的詐騙或一般的行銷電話。
Spam calls are everywhere. According to a research study, Taiwanese wastes almost 150,000 hours on spam calls per month. Spam calls include Fraud, Harassed and Marketing. Moreover, we lost 3.7 billion NTD every year because of the Fraud call. Although there are many studies talking about spam calls detection, few of them try to classify the category of spam calls.
In this research, we obtain a huge dataset about spam calls’ call logs that include the category, duration and date. First, we run data preprocess and data aggregation, then use oversampling to overcome the problem of imbalanced data. In addition, we implement multiple models of logistic regression to solve the multi-class classification, and then build models that can classify spam calls into three categories. We also use social network analysis to find out the social relationship of calls within some subgroups.
In conclusion, different spam calls have exactly different behaviors. It is possible to identify them by using classification and social network analysis. However, spammers’ behavior may change as the time goes by, doing analysis once and for all is impossible. It is necessary to train new model routinely to overcome the changing behavior.
Abstract ii
中文摘要 iii
致謝 iv
List of Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Application about phone identification 1
1.3 Research objective 2
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
2.1 Spam on the Internet 4
2.2 Social Network Analysis 5
2.3 The related research 6
Chapter 3 Methodology 11
3.1 Dataset description 11
3.2 Software introduction 12
3.3 Data analysis process 13
Chapter 4 Classification 16
4.1 Data visualization 16
4.2 Data preprocess 21
4.3 Classification tree 24
4.4 Logistic regression 26
4.5 Logistic Regression with Oversampling 32
Chapter 5 Social Network Analysis 38
5.1 Social network in most active spam call 38
5.2 Social network in top users (receive more than 200) 40
5.3 Convert 2-mode social network into 1-mode 42
5.4 Social network in top users (receive more than 50) 45
Chapter 6 Findings and Discussion 48
6.1 Spammer and user behavior 48
6.2 Finding of our classification models 49
6.3 Non-specific category scoring 51
6.4 Social network analysis 51
Chapter 7 Conclusion 53
7.1 Contribution 53
7.2 Limitation and future work 54
Chapter 8 Reference 56

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