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作者(外文):Chiu, Wei Min
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Work Contextual Variables on the Creativity of Frontline Service Employee
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chen-Ya
口試委員(外文):Jiang, Cheng Hsin
Wang, Wei Pang
中文關鍵詞:前線服務人員創意力工作控制要求支持模型(JDCS model)工作特性
外文關鍵詞:Frontline service employeeCreativityJob demand-control-supportJob characteristic
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本研究主要是探討工作特徵變數對前線服務人員的創意力。前線服務人員(尤其服務業)是直接接觸到顧客的第一接觸點,提供的服務是好是壞都直接決定了顧客的滿意度,進而影響到顧客是否會再次光顧。隨著外在環境的變遷,各家企業或公司都應該設法找出他們屬於自己的獨特競爭優勢,以利於在這個市場上生存。員工創意力即是其中一項不可或缺的項目之一。在本研究裡,我們利用工作控制、要求和支持模型(Job Control-Demand-Support Model,JDCS model)、工作特性模式(Job characteristic model)的兩項重要因子(工作自主性與工作重要性)以及最新的職場議題(職場樂趣)去探討影響前線服務人員創意力影響因子
本研究的資料來自於2015年的台灣社會變遷調查(Taiwan Social Change Survey,TSCS),從資料中我們篩出了375筆「目前正從事服務業的前線服務人員」樣本。研究結果顯示在主效果上工作自主性在影響員工創意力上有著正向的影響;在交互效果上,工作自主性在影響員工創意力的過程中會與人際關係有一定程度的交互作用。進一步的分析發現,有較好人際關係但工作自主性較低的員工在工作表現上會比較無法展現出他們的創意力,因此需要透過一些適切的工作在設計或職務安排等內容做調整,以利於各種不同個性的員工都能在服務上發揮出他們最大的創意力,以提升服務的品質。此研究的發現除了能除了豐富現今對於前線服務人員的創意力研究,也提供服務業之公司管理上的意涵。
Frontline service employees, especially in service industry, are the first touch-point while facing customers. The service they offered will directly impact on the customers’ satisfaction. Given the fast changing environment, it is necessary for every firm to find their unique competitive advantage. Employee creativity is one of the important factors for service firms to succeed. In this study, we explore the main and interactive effects of work contextual factors from the job demand-control-support model, along with other key factors such as task autonomy, task significance and workplace fun, on the creativity of frontline service employees. Data for this research are drawn from the 2015 “Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS)” and used several criteria to filter our target sample, 375 frontline service employees from service industry. The study results show that the task autonomy has not only a main impact but also the interactive effect with interpersonal relationship to affect employee creativity. Employees with higher interpersonal relationship quality tend to be less creative in their job performance when the task autonomy is low. These findings may have implications for researchers and provide different insights for service organizations.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 3
Chapter 2. Theoretical Background 4
2.1 Creativity Defined 4
2.2 Creativity In Workplace 7
2.3 Influential Factors on Workplace Creativity 9
2.3.1 Task Autonomy 9
2.3.2 Task Significance 11
2.3.3 Interpersonal Relationship in the Workplace 12
2.3.4 Workplace Stress 13
2.3.5 Workplace Fun 15
Chapter 3. Research Framework 18
3.1 Research Hypotheses 18
3.1.1 Main Effects 18
3.1.2 Interactive Effects 22
Chapter 4. Method 24
4.1 Data Collection 24
4.2 Respondent Characteristics 25
4.2 Measurement 27
4.2.1 Dependent Variables 27
4.2.2 Independent Variables 27
4.2.3 Independent Variables 28
4.2.4 Control Variables 30
4.3 Data Analysis 30
Chapter 5. Results 32
5.1 Hypotheses testing 32
Chapter 6. Discussion and Conclusion 36
6.1 Discussion 36
6.2 Contribution and Theoretical implications 38
6.3 Managerial Implication 38
6.4 Limitations and Future Research Directions 39
6.5 Conclusion 40
Reference 41

List of Tables
Table 1. Summary: The related literature of creativity. 6
Table 2. Definition: The definition of 4P in creativity (Chang, 2003) 7
Table 3. Summary: The related literature of workplace fun. 17
Table 4. Results: Descriptive Information of Respondents (N=375) 26
Table 5. Summary: The details of measuring variables 28
Table 6. Results: Descriptive Information of Variables 29
Table 7. Results: Correlation Table of Variables 29
Table 8. Results: The influence on Employee Creativity 34

List of Figures
Figure 1. Conceptual Model. 23
Figure 2. Moderating effects. Interaction between Task Autonomy and Interpersonal Relationship 34

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