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作者(外文):Li, Yun Chen
論文名稱(中文):Comparing fs/QCA and PLS-PM models: Exploring the relationship between threats to technological self-esteem and opposition to alternative technologies
指導教授(外文):Ray, Soumya
口試委員(外文):Yen, Hsiu Ju
Hsu, Pei Fang
外文關鍵詞:fuzzy setPLS-PMqualitative comparative analysisesteem theory
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此研究主要探討使用者心理因素及其行為意向的關係,根據之前的研究,針對科技自尊對智慧型手機使用者的威脅導致使用者對於另一個替代的智慧型手機產生對立的行為表現(態度)進行更深入的探討,利用兩種不同的分析方式:(1) 最小平方路徑分析法(PLS-PM);(2) 模糊集質性比較分析(fs/QCA)。我們各別地探索此兩種不同的分析方式來解釋智慧型手機使用者的一些心理因素導致對他牌智慧型手機的排斥。在方法面,我們描述模糊集質性比較研究(fs/QCA)的應用是最小平方(PLS-PM)在管理面應用的替代性方案。在實質面,我們探索科技自尊威脅和其他心理因素影響對替代手機對立性的程度。
This paper, whose purpose is to explore psychological factor to users’ behavioral intention with applying two distinct methodologies: Partial Least Squares Path Modelling (PLS-PM) and Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fs/QCA), on a theoretical question about smartphone perceptions. We compare how these two analytic perspectives differ by examining psychological factors that lead smartphone users to oppose alternative branded phones. To contribute to methodology, we illustrate how recently developed fs/QCA approach can provide an alternative way to analyze outcomes from PLS in management. To contribute substantively, we explore the extent to which threats to technological self-esteem which we are interested in and other cognitive factors affect opposition to the alternative technologies.
This study focuses on figuring out other psychological possibilities based on the relationship of threats to tech self-esteem and opposing with different analytic methods by adopting 300 qualified questionnaires based on the previous research. After applying the two distinct techniques on the same study dataset, we summarized the results and conclude some findings. First, TTSE is necessary and sufficient to OPPOSING while it supported that fs/QCA and PLS-PM are complementary in explaining symmetric relationships. However, fs/QCA can extend our domain understanding with asymmetric relationships based on the other two findings. One is the second combinations of antecedents, BIDEN*~SEFF*USC*~HABIT, is an alternative explanation to the opposition behavior on rival smartphone. The other is BIDEN*~SEFF*USC*~HABIT is sufficient for opposition that can’t be found in PLS-PM. The three findings reinterpreted and gave deeper description of the relationship between psychological factors for smartphone users and their opposition on alternative phone.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis 3
2.1 Calibration 3
2.2 Combinations of Antecedents: Truth Table 5
2.3 Minimization: Boolean algebra 6
2.4 Set Relations: Necessity and Sufficiency 7
2.5 Parameters of Fit: Consistency and Coverage 9
2.6 Differences of PLS-PM and fs/QCA 10
Chapter 3: Theoretical Framework 14
3.1 Factors that could influence OPPOSING 14
3.2 Data 16
3.2.1 Participants 17
Chapter 4: Data Analysis 19
4.1 Partial Least Squares Path Modelling (PLS-PM) Approach 20
4.1.1 Reliability and Validity 20
4.1.2 PLS-PM Results 21
4.2 Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fs/QCA) Approach 22
4.2.1 Data Calibration Process 22
4.2.2 Analysis of Necessary Conditions 26
4.2.3 Analysis of Sufficient Conditions 27
4.2.4 fs/QCA Results 30
Chapter 5: Findings and Implications 33
5.1 TTSE is necessary and sufficient to OPPOSING 33
5.2 BIDEN*~SEFF*USC*~HABIT is an alternative explanation 34
5.3 BIDEN*~SEFF*USC*~HABIT is sufficient for the opposition 34
Chapter 6: Conclusions 37
Reference 38
Appendix 41

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