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作者(外文):Wang, Hsu Chin
論文名稱(外文):A community – based virtual money system using debt transfer
指導教授(外文):Wang, Jyun Cheng
口試委員(外文):Wang, Chen Ya
Chiang, Cheng Hsin
外文關鍵詞:FintechSocial lendingVirtual currencyHonesty storeDebt transfer
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  • 點閱點閱:191
  • 評分評分:*****
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This research applies virtual currency system to explore the credit-debt relationships among communities and its members. As technology advanced in the field of finance, it not only causes reduction in transaction cost, but pushes forward the technology companies to provide innovative financial service. In Taiwan, P2P lending is a popular topic. When it comes to the credit-debt relationships, personal credit is the most important aspect for traditional banks and P2P lending companies are aimed at figuring it out. However, for a fresh graduate, it is hard to estimate his credit level with traditional attributes such as salary and lending history. But in this internet era, the credit-debt relationships in communities are valuable data for reckoning personal credit, hence many companies put their hand to do related researches. In this research, we design a virtual money system using debt transferring in which users pay with virtual money. We also establish an experimental honesty store to create more usage scenes for them to spend and earn virtual money. Then we apply the social network analysis on the data we collect from our system and an exercise group to compare their transaction relations with interaction on Facebook. We find those who have frequent transactions tend to keep credit-debt records on our system, but their interaction on Facebook does not show certain correspondence. Nevertheless, we can assess their closeness and credit in a community by combining our collected data and FB attributes. Besides, the number of settlement of these complicated credit-debt relationships will be cut down by transferring and offsetting the virtual money. The virtual money also plays a key role to concatenate several different communities. The result of this research creates the opening of credit-debt relationship among communities, indicates its utility, evaluates the acceptance of virtual money, and provides related experience to researchers with interests. On the other hand, it is an available reference for lending companies to appraise one’s credit.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Payment Methods 1
1.2 Peer-to-peer lending 2
1.3 Research purposes and contributions 2
Chapter 2 Theoretical foundation 4
2.1 Examples for Community Currency 4
2.1.1 Key factors for success in CCs system 6
2.2 Examples for Virtual Currency 7
2.2.1 Key insight for VCs system 9
2.3 Summary for this chapter 9
Chapter 3 Proposed model and mechanisms 10
3.1 Incumbent application for social payment 10
3.2 Lending relationship model between friends 12
3.3 Our proposed system – Social Money 15
3.4 Experiment – the honesty store 18
3.4.1 Mechanisms to run the honesty store 18
3.4.2 Virtual currency system 19
Chapter 4 Analysis and finding 21
4.1 Data 21
4.2 Analysis 22
4.2.1 Credit-debt records among friends 23
4.2.2 Transaction data of honesty store 30
4.2.3 Exercising group 34
4.3 Users’ feedbacks 37
Chapter 5 Discussion 40
5.1 Discussion 40
5.1.1 The number of settlements will be cut down and the connection among several communities are established through Social Money. 40
5.1.2 The transaction frequency is hard to be appraised by interaction degrees in Facebook. 42
5.1.3 The virtual money can encourage participants to operate the honesty store. 43
5.2 Contributions & Conclusion 44
5.3 Limitations 47
5.4 Future work 48
References 51
Appendix 53
A. The questions of interview 53
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