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作者(外文):Su,Ping Yun
論文名稱(外文):Creating Persona with Quantitative Validation:A Data Driven Service Design Methodology
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Pei Fang
口試委員(外文):Yen, Hsiu Ju
Soumya Ray
外文關鍵詞:Personapersona verifycluster analysisfactor analysisuser researchservice design
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:604
  • 評分評分:*****
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  Persona approach is based on this issue proposed by Cooper(1999). Generally, personas are created by using qualitative methods which help designers understand users’ needs and goals. Despite the fact that personas are widely used in user research, the lack of reliability and validity is often questioned. Also, it is hard to verify the accuracy of persona.

This study proposes a new method using quantitative methods for creating and validating personas to make sure each steps of process is supported by data. To solve the problem that qualitative methods are prone to be subjective and hard to verify, we adopt factor analysis to reduce the qualitative data, cluster analysis to group the users based on their similarities that decide the numbers of group, and one-way ANOVA, which helps us identify the most different characteristic between groups. The study also views the application of persona methods in the enterprise through cooperating with pet companies in Taiwan. Also, qualitative and quantitative methods are used to verify data simultaneously.

  The result shows that the quantitative methods can be used to divide user groups accurately and also shows the buying behavior of each person meets our forecasting. Mapping the persona which was created by qualitative method to survey samples, we found that only 1.33% of the population are similar to quantitative persona, showing the defect of market representation.
目 錄
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
致 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表 列 vii
圖 列 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1質化人物誌 4
2.1.1質化人物誌建立流程 6
2.2質化人物誌缺點 9
2.3量化人物誌 10
2.4目前量化研究之缺點(Research gaps) 11
第三章 實務專案合作 14
3.1汪喵星球 14
3.2「生食餐」以及「冷凍乾燥生食餐」 14
3.3合作方式與目標 15
3.4案例探討 16
第四章 研究方法 17
4.1步驟一、訪談 17
4.1.1訪談大綱 17
4.2步驟二、訪談資料整理 17
4.3步驟三、問卷設計 18
4.4步驟四、資料分析 18
4.4.1因素分析(Factor analysis) 19
4.4.2集群分析(Cluster analysis ) 21
4.4.3單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA) 22
4.5步驟五、建立量化人物角色 22
4.6量化人物誌驗證 25
4.7集群分析之變數選擇探討 26
4.8重新檢視質化人物誌 29
4.8.1建立質化人物誌 29
4.8.2質化人物角色與現實人物比對 31
4.8.3質化人物誌之困難點 32
第五章 討論 35
5.1量化人物誌優點 35
5.2本研究量化流程驗證 36
第六章 結論 37
6.1研究貢獻 37
6.2研究限制與未來展望 38
第七章 文獻參考 39
附件一、訪談大綱 42
附件二、犬貓飼主生活脈絡調查問卷 43
附件三、集群特徵 50

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