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作者(外文):Yu, Chen Ni
論文名稱(外文):Innovation Timeline of the Fiber Optics Industry : A Case Study of Company B
指導教授(外文):Hung, Shih Chang
口試委員(外文):Lin,Bou Wen
Tseng,Yung Ching
外文關鍵詞:communication industynext generation marketnext generation customer
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  • 點閱點閱:101
  • 評分評分:*****
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Each exchange volume and the volume growth was the most influential to the global stock volume, for which the transaction speed is completely critical. In the book "Flash boys", there was study on the exchange spending $ 300 million merely on installing fiber optic lines, just so they can be 3 milliseconds faster than others. Exactly what is Speed worth? Lately Wall Street has been setting up private exchanges one after another, so-called Dark Pool, namely closed-circuit trading platform. Brokers make the absolutely compulsory demand to dark pools for exclusively ultra-high-speed fiber network as a resolution. Rental income of an optical fiber line can ultimately reach up to $2.8 billion. Tremendous business opportunities in this field are steadily starting the new era of communications. Communications industry being in the centre of this massive data streaming must understand the necessity to cultivate the market sensitivity to meet the ever-changing trends to readily confront impact brought along with the rapid transformation. In this case study on Company B for example, we examine how Company B visage into deviations of the market, and how they, after the rapid formation of executive decision-making in the optical communications industry striving for success and survival, find a feasible process to determine the future generation of market, customer and product focus to maintain a sustainable business. The summary w. 「Innovation strategy」is the root cause of success formula.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與範圍 2
第三節 公司簡介 3
第四節 市場概況 6
第二章 個案研究 10
第一節 策略產品1:AOC及其零組件 10
第二節 策略產品2:NGPON2及其零組件 19
第三章 內容論述 29
第一節 強化優點與擴大差異化 29
第二節 從Telecom到Datacom 31
第三節 提供光速服務的產業 32
第四節 三維同步工程 34
第五節 超越自製外購決策 38
第四章 結論與建議 40
第一節 以「創新六策」歸納結論 40
第二節 管理意涵 44
參考文獻 46

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2. 林旭英(譯),2014。Michael Lewis著,《快閃大對決》(Flash Boy),p. 26-35、50、72。台北:早安財經文化。
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5. TPS研究小組(譯),2003。若松義人、近藤哲夫著。《豐田式改善力》(p. 71-77,p.136-142)。桃園:和昌。
6. Gary Armstrong & Philip T. Kotler, 2015. Principles of marketing(16th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:Pearson Prentice Hall.
7. Holweg, M., 2007. The genealogy of lean production. Journal of operations management, 25(2):420-437.
8. Prahalad, C. K, & Hamel, G. 1990. The core competence of the corporation. Harvard Business Review, 68(3):79-91.
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