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作者(外文):You-Hsuan Lin
論文名稱(外文):Corporate Valuation - A case study of ASE seeking to take up major stake in SPIL
指導教授(外文):Che-Chun Lin
Yu-Lieh Huang
外文關鍵詞:corporate valuationDCFfree cash flowprice-to-earning ratioEVA spread
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  • 點閱點閱:760
  • 評分評分:*****
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經由實證分析後,可以得知,以現金流量折現法求得矽品之企業價值,易受加權平均資金成本(weighted average cost of capital, WACC)與自由現金流量(free cash flow to the firm, FCFF)成長率(g)之影響,故加入WACC與g的敏感度分析。計算所得到的股價範圍,包含了日月光收購矽品之價格,可見,現金流量折現法在實務上是成熟的企業評價模式。而本益比估價法,以六家類似企業之平均本益比求出矽品之股價,亦與實際收購價格相去不遠,足見估價之可靠度,不因評價方法之繁複或簡易,而有其好壞之分。本研究結果證實,日月光對矽品的收購邀約,其價格有合理性的依據。
最後,研究發現,日月光與矽品之EVA (economic value added) spread均為正值,如果維持高投資率,則成長所創造的企業價值會更高。2015年5月26日,兩家企業宣布將共組產業控股公司,日後是否能發揮綜效,創造更高的企業價值,則有待後續追蹤研究。
In this thesis, the major purpose focuses on estimating the value of an enterprise. The price per share of SPIL stock is evaluated with "discounted cash flow (DCF) method" and "price-to-earning ratio method" by reference to the public financial data. The calculated prices will be compared with the prices that ASE purchased stakes of SPIL in 2015. Based on the analyses, the reasonableness of price in the case of ASE-SPIL takeover bid will be checked up in the research.
According to the result, it was quite obvious that the value of an enterprise is susceptible to weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and FCFF growth rate "g" when DCF method was adopted. The two parameters "WACC" and "g" are taken into consideration for a subtle analysis. Finally, the share price range calculated by DCF method includes the real price that ASE offered. It is thus clear that DCF method is practical for making an evaluation of a corporate. Additionally, another approach being employed in this study, "price-to-earning ratio method", averaged the P/E values of six similar companies and computed SPIL stock price. The calculated price is quite close to the purchase price. It is perceived that "price-to-earning ratio method" is a useful method even though it is very simple one to be applied. These analyses had proved that in the case of ASE-SPIL takeover bit, the matter of price is reasonable.
Moreover, it is found in this study that the EVA spread of these two companies are both positive. If the two corporations consistently make a considerable investment, the growth will lead to a larger profit. On May 26, 2016, ASE and SPIL had reached an agreement to set up a holding company. The further discussion in this thesis would be centred on the issue that whether or not the synergy could be achieved, from which immense benefit is expected to be brought after ASE and SPIL work in close collaboration.
論文摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究架構 2
第四節 研究流程 3
第貳章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 企業價值的意義 4
第二節 企業價值的關鍵影響因子 5
第三節 企業價值的創造途徑 6
第四節 企業評價的應用 8
第五節 企業評價分析的迷失 8
第六節 企業評價的流程 10
第七節 企業評價模式 11
第八節 國內實證研究 14
第參章 研究方法 16
第一節 現金流量折現法(Discounted Cash Flow Method) 16
第二節 本益比法(Price-to-Earning Ratio Method) 19
第肆章 產業概述與公司介紹 20
第一節 半導體產業簡介 20
第二節 封裝測試業簡介 23
第三節 日月光與矽品介紹 25
第伍章 研究結果 38
第一節 以現金流量折現法估算矽品股票價格 38
第二節 以本益比法估算矽品股票價格 43
第三節 日月光與矽品之經濟附加價值(Economic Value Added, EVA) 44
第陸章 結論與建議 45
第一節 個案研究結論 45
第二節 後續研究之建議 46
參考文獻 47
中文部分 47
網站部分 47
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1. IC Insights,http://www.icinsights.com/data/articles/documents/823.pdf
2. 資策會產業情報研究所,https://mic.iii.org.tw/micnew/IndustryObservations_PressRelease02.aspx?sqno=391
3. Yahoo Finance,http://finance.yahoo.com/
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