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作者(外文):Tsai, Ching Tang
論文名稱(外文):Why does solar developer SunEdison end up bankrupt adopting YieldCo mode
指導教授(外文):Lin, Che Chun
外文關鍵詞:Solar powerYieldCo modeRenewable EnergySunEdison
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  • 評分評分:*****
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由於興建太陽能發電系統需要大量、長期的資金投注,尋求低成本的融資來提高投資報酬率,縮短回收年限,成為業者首要之務。YieldCo模式恰可符合這些需求,故近來廣為再生能源產業採用。太陽能開發商SunEdison 將兩家YieldCo子公司上市籌得大量資金,快速成長為美國最大電站開發業者。但是前景看似一片光明的SunEdison卻在2016年四月向法院申請破產保護,一家市值百億的公司從此殞落。本研究欲探討SunEdison商業模式經營出了甚麼問題,YieldCo這融資方式從此走入歷史還是可以重獲青睞? 台灣推展再生能源可否引進YieldCo這種商業模式,該如何引以為鑑,避免重蹈覆轍。台灣能源政策可能遭遇的困難及可行的解決方案,將一併研究探討。
Construction of solar power systems require considerable long-term investments, therefore seeking low-cost financing to improve ROI (Return On Investment) and shorten the recovery period become top priority of the owners. YieldCo structure seems to offer a desirable answer. Therefore it is widely adopted by renewable energy industry. Two YieldCo subsidiaries of solar developer SunEdison went public and raise considerable funds. Very soon SunEdison had grown into the largest power plant developer in US. However, when the whole world is still cheering for its success, SunEdison filed for bankruptcy protection in April 2016. A giant worth 100 billons USD fell and collapsed. By performing a series of financial statement analysis, this study aims to find out the true cause of SunEdison’s financial crisis. Has YieldCo structure really come to an end or should it remain to be adopted? Which way of fund raising should be chosen to promote renewable energy in Taiwan? How can we learn from SunEdison to avoid the same mistake? We will look into these issues to figure out what problems do we have at this moment, meanwhile work on feasible solutions.
摘要 i
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 2
1.1研究背景 2
1.2研究動機 3
1.3研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 YieldCo 融資模式介紹 6
2.2 YieldCo 融資模式的優勢與風險 10
2.3 發行YieldCo的限制及問題 12
第三章 研究方法 13
3.1 研究方法 13
第四章 太陽能產業介紹 15
4.1太陽能產業說明 15
4.2相關公司概況 18
第五章 SunEdison 破產個案研究 22
5.1 SunEdison營運狀況 22
5.2 SunEdison與同業比較 25
5.3 YieldCo子公司營運狀況比較 29
5.4 SunEdison併購策略 32
第六章 結論與建議 35
6.1研究結論 35
6.2研究建議 37
參考文獻 39
[1] 彭博新能源財經網(Bloomberg New Energy Finance): “Global Trends in Clean Energy Investment”
[2] REN21(Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century) ”Renewables 2016 Global Status Report” P32
[3] REN21(Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century) ”Renewables 2016 Global Status Report” P103
[4] 彭博新能源財經網(Bloomberg New Energy Finance):“New Energy Outlook 2015”
[5] Digi Times 網站: http://www.digitimes.com.tw/tw/dt/n/shwnws.asp?id=0000432585_9RU6672U7YXVKE6ZX37PH
[6] 郭劍寒,無所不能網站 http://www.wusuobuneng.com/archives/19987
[7] 全球新能源網: 「光伏融资YieldCo模式還能走多久?」http://www.xny365.com/news/article-30531.html
[8] 產業價值鏈資訊平台: http://ic.tpex.org.tw/introduce.php?ic=A100
[9] 陽光屋頂百萬座網站: http://mrpv.org.tw/
[10] SunEdison 2014年年度財報: http://investors.sunedison.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=106680&p=irol-reportsannual
[11] SunEdison 2015年第三季季報: http://investors.sunedison.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=106680&p=irol-sec
[12] NextEra Energy 2014 & 2015年度財報: http://www.investor.nexteraenergy.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=88486&p=irol-reportsCorporate
[13] SunPower 2014 & 2015年度財報: http://spwr.client.shareholder.com/annuals.cfm
[14] First Solar 2014 & 2015年度財報: http://investor.firstsolar.com/annuals.cfm
[15] CMoney 投資小學堂網站: http://www.cmoney.tw/notes/note-detail.aspx?nid=17346
[16] TERP 2014年度& 2015年Q3財報: http://ir.terraform.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=253464&p=irol-sec
[17] NEP 2014 & 2015年度財報: http://www.investor.nexteraenergypartners.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=253465&p=irol-sec
[18] CAFD 2014 & 2015年度財報: http://ir.8point3energypartners.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=254037&p=irol-sec
[19]經濟部能源局: 「中華民國一百零五年度再生能源電能躉購費率及其計算公式」
[20]綠能趨勢網: http://pv.energytrend.com.tw/research/20160217-13335.html
[21]台電核能看透透網站: http://wapp4.taipower.com.tw/nsis/3/3_1.php?firstid=3&secondid=1&thirdid=2
[22]台灣電力公司網站: http://www.taipower.com.tw/content/new_info/new_info-d16.aspx?LinkID=14
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