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作者(外文):Horng, Yeu Shiuan
論文名稱(中文):音樂大師的養成與定位──以Yamaha Electone演奏者為例
論文名稱(外文):The Incubation and Positioning of Musical Masters: the Case of Yamaha Electone Players In Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lee, Chuan Kai
口試委員(外文):Shin, Kyoung
Hu, Mei chih
Chen, Pao Lien
Ho, Mei Hsiu-Ching
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:191
  • 評分評分:*****
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Japanese company Yamaha Cooperation debuted “Electone”, as known as ”electronic organ”, in 1959, over half a century. Today, people learning Electone are all over the world, especially in Asia. From 1990s to the beginning of 2000s, Taiwan experienced a booming trend of learning Electone in Yamaha. There were masses of people learning and purchasing Electone, competitions (Electone Festival) and concerts for Electone were also prospering in Taiwan. The researcher in this article also started learning Electone at that time, it was an opening for the researcher to become enthusiastic about music and finally decided to have music as career. Taiwan is far from the booming period of Electone now, but due to the researcher’s own interest in Electone, and because there are still many young students learning Electone today in Taiwan, so the researcher tries to combine personal experience with other Taiwanese Electone professionals’ opinions, then giving some advices to Electone students who have the goal of becoming professional musician. The researcher uses qualitative research to do the coding process after interviewing 8 Taiwanese Electone professionals, dividing musical career into 3 parts: “Development”, “Blossom” and ”Professional”. In each parts, there are some key factors of being success in future. There are 5 conclusions in the end of the research: (1)Electone students are suggested to learn piano at the same time; (2)Professional Electone players are suggested to develop some “digital music” skills; (3)Electone players should be progressing as Electone is also progressing on and on; (4)Electone itself are better be positioned as a music education tool in current musical environment; (5)Electone players in music industry should be positioned in many kinds, not single.
圖目錄 III
表目錄 III
摘要 IV
Abstract V
致謝 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景──我與Electone的相遇 1
1.2 研究背景──從課餘興趣走向專業 4
1.3研究目的──成為Electone大師之路 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 Electone發展概況 8
2.2 Electone大師 10
2.3 Electone演奏 11
2.4 Electone教育現況 12
第三章 研究方法 13
3.1 研究前期 13
3.1.1確立研究問題 13
3.1.2訪談準備 13
3.1.3訪談對象 13
3.1.4訪談提問大綱 14
3.2 訪談 16
3.3 訪談內容整理 20
第四章 個案探討 22
4.1 林美慧老師 22
4.2 傅文娟老師 26
4.3 何芸燕老師 30
4.4 呂聖斐老師 34
4.5 蔡美玲老師 37
4.6 蔣凱莉老師 41
4.7 陳為元同學 44
4.8 歐潔安同學 46
第五章 研究結果與發現 54
5.1 才能養成期 54
5.1.1 家庭因素──練習環境 54
5.1.2 家庭因素──陪伴與支持 55
5.1.3 良師 55
5.1.4 益友 55
5.2 才能開花期 56
5.2.1 創作能力的啟發──參加JOC 56
5.2.2 成為大師的「登龍門」──Electone大賽 56
5.2.3 其他音樂相關活動 58
5.3 職業時期 58
5.3.1 成為Electone大師須具備的特質 58
5.3.2 成為音樂指導者 58
5.3.3 擔任配樂製作 59
5.3.3 成為作/編曲家的機會 59
5.3.4 成為伴奏的機會 60
第六章 結論與建議 61
6.1 鋼琴和Electone雙管齊下 61
6.2 數位音樂作為未來趨勢 63
6.3 面對Electone機種革新 63
6.4 Electone作為教育工具 63
6.5 Electone大師的定位 64
6.6 未來研究方向 65
附錄:知情同意書 66
參考文獻與資料 67
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1. https://www.facebook.com/JazzMusicTaiwan/posts/113444802140878
2. http://tw.yamaha.com/zh/products/musical-instruments/keyboards/electone/els-02c/?mode=model
3. http://jp.yamaha.com/products/musical-instruments/keyboards/el-organs/ electone_station/about/history/
4. http://jp.yamaha.com/products/musical-instruments/keyboards/el-organs/electone/
5. http://jp.yamaha.com/products/musical-instruments/keyboards/el-organs/electone_station/event_concert/yee/
6. http://jp.yamaha.com/products/musical-instruments/keyboards/el-organs/electone_station/about/history/
7. http://www.yamahamusic.tw/yms/system_03.asp
8. http://www.yamahamusic.tw/yms/event_01.asp
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19. https://www.facebook.com/notes/10150683946461358/
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