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作者(外文):Pan, Zhi Wei
論文名稱(外文):Determining Factors Influencing Word-of-Mouth Behaviors on Social Media
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung Chang
口試委員(外文):Weng, Jingjing
Hsieh ,Yi Ching
外文關鍵詞:Word of mouthMobile InternetDesktop InternetSocial MediaViral MarketingReceiver Characteristic
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因此,本研究將參考過去的相關理論與模型,包括了溝通說服理論、使用與滿足理論、社會資本理論、價值理論,針對資訊分享者為何願意在網路上進行資訊分享行為進行探討,並使用實驗設計的方式進行,發展出2 (關係強度:強 vs. 弱) × 2 (快樂性利益內容:高 vs. 低) × 2 (功利性內容:高 vs. 低) × 2 (接收者特性;主動vs. 被動) × 2 (訊息管道;手機 vs. 電腦)共32種情境。研究結果發現,關係強度為強關係時,訊息內容包含了快樂以及功利性價值的利益時,訊息閱讀者對於產品有較高的涉入性時,以及訊息分享是透過手機的管道及具有高主動性時,將會有較大的資訊分享意願。而此結果則提供企業在設計整合行銷傳播時,能作為參考的方向,以提升顧客願意為其進行口碑行銷的意願與行為。
Word-of-mouth communication (WOM) is considered as an important issue for marketing researchers. Through the positive WOM to influence other potential customers has been considered as an effective marketing mode. As more and more marketers incorporate social media as an integral part to align engagement strategy in consumers' electronic WOM (e-WOM), the mobile marketing has emerged. The omni-channel tactics lead to the success in gaining traffic and raising awareness to achieve effective and efficient marketing benefits. However, it is not clear how they works and only limited research has been published regarding e-WOM communication in social media context.
Accordingly, this study intends to combine related research—including communication theory, uses and gratifications theory, social capital and value theory—to investigate the determinants of consumers' intention to share marketing information on the social media. We use experiment design to test our hypothesis. 32 scenarios: 2 (tie strength: strong vs. weak) × 2 (utilitarian value: high vs. low) × 2 (hedonic value: high vs. low) × 2 (receiver characteristic: active vs. passive) × 2 (transmission channel: mobile vs. desktop) were developed for the experiment. The results suggest that tie strength, contents with utilitarian value and hedonic value, characteristic of the audiences and transmission channel affects the willing to share information significantly. We intend to produce findings that deserve considerable attention from marketers seeking to implement e-WOM campaigns on social media and the implications and limitation are discussed for researchers and practitioners.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 5
2. Literature review and hypothesis development 8
2.1 Message source 9
2.2 Message contents 11
2.3 Message audience 13
2.3.1 The effectiveness of message source on information sharing intention across message audience 15
2.4 Message transmission channel 16
2.4.1 The effectiveness of message source on information sharing intention across message channel 17
2.4.2 The effectiveness of message contents on information sharing intention across message channel 18
3. Methodology 20
3.1 Research framework 20
3.2 Pretest 20
3.3 Design and procedure 22
3.4 Measures 24
4. Data analysis 25
4.1 Manipulation check 25
4.2 Hypothesis testing 26
4.3 Main effect 27
4.4 Interaction effect 27
5. Conclusions 29
5.1 Discussions and implications 29
5.2 Limitations and future research directions 32
References 34
Appendix A. Designed materials 42
A1. High utilitarian; low hedonic content via desktop 42
A2. High hedonic; low utilitarian content via desktop 43
A3. High utilitarian; low hedonic content via mobile phone 44
A4. High hedonic; low utilitarian content via mobile phone 45
Appendix B. Designed questionnaires 46
B1. Questionnaire with consumer value 46
B2-1. Questionnaire with strong tie and activeness 46
B2-2. Questionnaire with weak tie and activeness 47
B2-3. Questionnaire with strong tie and passiveness 47
B2-4. Questionnaire with weak tie and passiveness 48
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