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作者(外文):Teng, Hui Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Medical Environment On Household Health Expenditure
指導教授(外文):Chuang, Hwei Lin
口試委員(外文):Lin, Eric S.
Huang, Li Hsuan
中文關鍵詞:家戶醫療支出各縣市醫療資源Hechman Two-Stage模型Two-Stage Tobit模型
外文關鍵詞:household health expenditurelocal medical resources in every countyHeckman Two-Stage modelTwo-Stage Tobit model
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  • 評分評分:*****
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隨著經濟發展及時代的進步,人們越來越重視健康與醫療保健;近幾十年,各國關於醫療與經濟關係的研究日趨增多。本文嘗試以健康生產模型為基礎,實證探討各縣市醫療資源如何影響家戶的各項醫療支出。本文應用Heckman Two-Stage及Two-Stage Tobit進行實證估計,以處理樣本選擇問題(sample selection problem)。在醫療資源的衡量方面,本文採用醫事人員數、醫院數、診所數、病床數、藥局數,以及政府醫療保健支出等六項指標,代表可能會影響各家戶就醫支出的地方醫療資源。在醫療支出的衡量方面,本文採取醫療保健合計及其細項:健保就診消費、西醫門診費,和西藥費。本研究實證結果發現:醫事人力對西醫門診費及西藥費有顯著的正向影響,而醫療設備與場所對醫療保健合計及健保就診消費有顯著的正向影響,醫療設備與場所中的藥局數更是對本文所探討的四項醫療支出都有正向的影響。至於政府醫療保健經費支出,則是對不同的醫療支出項目有顯著但不同方向的影響。簡言之,本文之實證結果顯示地方醫療資源對家戶醫療支出之影響效果會因模型設定差異而改變,影響效果相對較不穩健,因此,本文實證結果較難以推論出醫療資源對家戶醫療支出的具體影響效果。
Economic growth appears to be associated with the development of more resources in health and medical care. In this thesis, we applied Heckman Two-Stage and Two-Stage Tobit model to investigate the factors influencing household health expenditure via the health production model. We specifically focused on the relationship between the medical resources with household medical expenditure for each county in Taiwan. Our empirical results showed that medical manpower had significantly positive effects on household expenditure of western medical outpatient and of western medicine. Moreover, the medical equipment and premises had significantly positive effects on total expenditure of healthcare and of claiming health insurance payments. On top of that, the numbers of pharmacies had the most significantly positive effects on all four health expenditure measures. As for the government budget of medical care, we found that it had significant but inconclusive effects on various health expenditures. In sum, our finding cannot lead to a robust conclusion regarding to the effect of medical resources on household health expenditure.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 總體醫療支出 6
第二節 各縣市醫療資源與醫療支出 7
第三節 家戶醫療支出 9
第三章 研究方法 11
第一節 健康生產函數 11
第二節 實證模型 12
第三節 估計方法 13
第四章 資料來源與處理 15
第一節 資料來源 15
第二節 變數設定及理論預期 18
第五章 實證結果 25
第一節 家戶醫療支出 25
第二節 家戶醫療支出與醫療資源供給 29
第三節 不同模型測試 35
第六章 結論 49
參考文獻 51
附表 55

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