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作者(外文):Lin, Yi Song
論文名稱(外文):Single and Dual-Peak Spectra with High Spectral Compression Ratio in Dispersion-Increasing Fiber
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chen Bin
外文關鍵詞:dispersion increasing fiber, spectral compression, soliton
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頻譜壓縮為絕熱系統下光孤子脈衝壓縮的反向操作,而在絕熱系統光孤子壓縮的理論下,光纖的條件會限制頻譜壓縮比,但透過超短脈衝作為輸入光源時,光孤子頻譜壓縮比可以超越光纖條件限制的理想值,本論文利用脈衝半高寬度為56 飛秒的脈衝雷射,經由色散遞增光纖成功地產生頻譜壓縮之單及雙峰,單峰的壓縮比達到了101.1倍,雙峰的各別壓縮比也可同時有80倍以上的表現,其遠超越了本實驗室中光纖理想壓縮比的22.5倍。且頻譜單及雙峰的特性,包含其相對振幅與波長得以經由雷射源的平均功率、入射脈衝之啁啾條件調整並做分析,並將實驗結果與非線性薛丁格方程式之數學模型所計算的數值模擬結果進行比對,兩者具有良好的相似性。
Spectral compression is a way to enhance spectral brightness. On the other hand, the energy is redistribution on the spectrum. It can raise up the signal-to-noise ratio, which is helpful in spectroscopic application.
Spectral compression is reverse process of adiabatic soliton temporal compression. Nevertheless, the feasibility for spectral compression would be seemingly limited by the dispersion ramp of dispersion-increasing fiber (DIF). But, if the input pulse duration is narrow enough, it would be possible that the real spectral compression ratio (SCR) breakthrough the ideal fiber limitation. Our laser source is 56 femtosecond pulse width. We successfully used it to generate single and dual-peak spectra with high SCR in DIF. SCR of single peak achieved 101.1 times, and SCR of dual-peak severally achieved lager than 80 times at simultaneously. Which the number is beyond ideal ratio of 22.5. Moreover, no matter is single or dual-peak spectra, the relative amplitude and wavelength are tunable. We can adjust it by average power and input pulse chirp condition. Compare to the experimental and simulation results, we could find it has a great agreement.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第一章 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景與動機 2
第二章 光脈衝頻譜壓縮之理論及數值模擬 3
2.1 光孤子特性 3
2.1.1 色散效應(Dispersion) 3
2.1.2 非線性效應─自相位調變(Self-phase modulation, SPM) 5
2.1.3 光孤子的產生與特性 7
2.1.4 數值模擬分析─分步傅立葉法(Split-step Fourier method) 9
2.2絕熱系統之光孤子頻譜壓縮 11
2.2.1 絕熱系統之光孤子頻譜壓縮 11
2.3 脈衝之色散補償 16
2.3.1色散補償光纖(Dispersion Compensating Fiber, DCF) 16
2.4 頻譜壓縮雙峰之產生 17
2.4.1 頻譜壓縮雙峰之產生 17
第三章 頻譜壓縮單峰與雙峰產生之實驗 19
3.1 大頻寬飛秒雷射之頻譜壓縮實驗架構與結果 19
3.2結論 33
第四章 未來展望 34
參考文獻 35

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