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作者(外文):Wen, Cheng Chi
論文名稱(外文):Study on the optical response of amorphous structure under wavelength and sub-wavelength scale
指導教授(外文):Hung, Yu Chueh
口試委員(外文):Lee, Ming Chang
Ho, Rong Ming
外文關鍵詞:Amorphous structureWavelength scaleSub-wavelength scaleOptical responseDensity of states
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  • 點閱點閱:59
  • 評分評分:*****
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Amorphous structures have attracted increasing research attention due to their interesting characteristics, such as isotropic structures and noniridescent colors. In this work, studies are presented based on finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method for analyzing the optical characteristics of amorphous structures. In the first part, we present photonic amorphous structures with different characteristic lengths and analyze their structural and topological properties. We present the numerical analysis to characterize the density of state (DOS) of amorphous structures based on different structural parameters. The corresponding spatial Fourier spectra of amorphous structures are calculated to examine the characteristic length, and the photonic band gap properties will be discussed in association with the characteristic length. These results are crucial for the design of new optical materials display devices base on dielectric amorphous photonic structures. In the second part, we investigate the effective optical properties of nanoporous materials with amorphous structures. If the pore sizes are much smaller than the wavelength of visible light, the nanoporous structure can be considered as a homogeneous medium with the same effective refractive index. By changing the properties of effective media, the optical properties of films can be controlled.
Abstract ........................................................................................ i
Contents ........................................................................................ ii
1 Introduction .................................................................................. 1
1.1 Introduction of Porous Structure ......................................................... 1
1.2 Amorphous Structure ...................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Structural Properties ............................................................... 7
1.2.2 Structural Analysis ................................................................. 8
1.3 Motivation ............................................................................... 9
2 Method ........................................................................................ 11
2.1 Construction of Structure ................................................................ 11
2.2 Effective Medium Model ................................................................... 13
2.3 Optical Simulation and Analysis of Amorphous structures .................................. 15
2.3.1 Finite-Difference Time Domain method ................................................ 15 Reflectance spectra ............................................................ 17 Density of States .............................................................. 17
2.3.2 Thin-Film interference .............................................................. 19
2.3.3 Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient ...................................... 21
2.3.4 CIE Color Map ....................................................................... 23
3 Amorphous Structure on the Wavelength Scale ................................................... 26
3.1 Effect of Construction Parameters on Structural and Optical Properties ................... 28
3.1.1 Time of Evolution ................................................................... 28
3.1.2 Mobility ............................................................................ 30
3.2 Effect of Structural and Material Parameters on Structural and Optical Properties ........ 32
3.2.1 Standard Deviation .................................................................. 32
3.2.2 Volume Fraction ..................................................................... 33
3.2.3 Refractive index .................................................................... 35
4 Amorphous Structure on the Sub-wavelength Scale ............................................... 38
4.1 Verification of Critical Characteristic Length ........................................... 38
4.1.1 Time of Evolution ................................................................... 41
4.1.2 Mobility ............................................................................ 42
4.1.3 Standard Deviation .................................................................. 42
4.1.4 Volume Fraction ..................................................................... 43
4.2 Effect of Different Parameters on Reflection ............................................. 44
4.2.1 Thickness ........................................................................... 44
4.2.2 Volume Fraction ..................................................................... 46
4.2.3 Incident Angle ...................................................................... 48
4.3 Effect of Spatial Arrangement ............................................................ 50
4.3.1 Verification of Critical Lattice Constant ........................................... 51
4.3.2 Thickness ........................................................................... 52
4.3.3 Volume Fraction ..................................................................... 54
4.3.4 Incident Angle ...................................................................... 55
5 Conclusion .................................................................................... 58
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